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C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   ID=6698   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Circle By 1/4 By 1/4,
Split Recycle,
Step And Fold,
Transfer The Column,
Alter The Wave,
Scatter Scoot,
Boy Run, Right & Left Thru,
Dixie Style,
Tally Ho,
Swing The Fractions,
Acey Deucey,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   ID=6697   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Pass Thru,
Triple Box Circle By 1/2 By 1/4,
Scoot Back,
Chain Down The Line,
Pass Thru,
Vertical 3/4 Tag,
Linear Action,
Stretch Ah So,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Reverse Explode,
Ends Bend,
Split Square Thru 3,
Alter The Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6280   Print 
All 4 Couples Right And Left Thru,
Heads Star Thru & Spread,
Pass Thru,
Twist And "Shout",
You're Home

Cute way to end a tip or an evening.
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7401   Print 
All 4 Couples Right & Left Thru,
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line,
Square The Bases,
Swing Thru,
Recycle With The Flow & Cross,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5140   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
Couples Circulate,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Trade Circulate,
Relay The Top,
In Roll Circulate,
1/4 Thru,
2/3 Recycle,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7367   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Split Counter Rotate 1/4,
Walk & Dodge,
Spin The Windmill Out,
Cycle & Wheel, Centers With The Flow,
Those Facing Single Circle To A Wave,
   Others Right Roll To A Wave,
All Counter Rotate 1/4,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Scoot & Weave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=4579   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Trade Circulate,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Relay The Top,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5194   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Relay The Top,
Explode Grand Swing Thru,
Relay The Shadow,
Swing & Mix,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7366   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
Boys Swing Thru,
All Linear Action,
Recycle, Veer Left,
As Couples 1/4 Thru,
As Couples Swing Thru,
Turn & Deal With The Flow,
Turn Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9700   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave,
Trade Circulate,
Tally Ho,
Alter The Wave,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10704   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain The Top,
Step And Slide,
Peel And Trail,
Pass In,
Swing And Circle 1/4,
Chain Reaction,
Spin Chain The Gears,
Tally Ho,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10093   Print 
Heads Split Square Thru 3 To A Wave,
Boys Run Right,
As Couples Cross Roll To A Wave,
Heads Cross Roll To A Wave,
Sides Concentric Wheel & Deal,
Jaywalk & Plenty,
Sides Roll,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Ends Zing,Divide & Touch 1/4,
Boys Start Cross Chain Thru,
1/4 Out,
DYP Sides Shakedown Heads Turn & Deal,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7394   Print 
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Eight Chain 4,
Pass The Sea,
Recycle With The Flow,
Follow Thru,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7390   Print 
Heads Square Chain Thru,
   Sides Half Sashay,
Spin The Top,
Recycle With The Flow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5138   Print 
Heads 1/2 Square Thru,
Cross Chain Thru, Go Double,
Pass The Ocean,
Grand Swing Thru,
Single Wheel,
1/2 Square Thru,
Trade By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9177   Print 
Heads Star Thru & Spread,
Touch 1/4,
Transfer And Box Counter Rotate,
Make Magic,
Magic Transfer The Column,
Counter Rotate,
Pass Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9953   Print 
Heads Star Thru & Spread,
Pass Thru,
Twist The Line,
Double Pass Thru,
Clover & Partner Trade,
Centers Backaway Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10761   Print 
Heads Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru,
Track 2,
Swing Thru,
Flip Back,
Boys Concentric Chase Right,
  Girls Spin The Top & Hinge,
All Tandem 1/4 Thru,
Tandem Explode,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1980   Print 
Heads Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru,
Girls U-Turn Back,
Wheel & Deal & Roll,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6643   Print 
Heads Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru The Axle,
Square The Bases,
Pass Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7389   Print 
Heads Touch 1/4 & Spread,
Centers Circle By 1/4 By 1/4,
As Couples Scoot & Weave,
Wheel & Deal With The Flow,
Acey Deucey,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9089   Print 
Heads Touch 1/4 & Spread,
All 8 Counter Rotate 1/4,
Stretch Cycle And Wheel,
4 Boys Touch 1/4,
4 Boys Cross Your Neighbor,
As Couples Scoot And Weave,
Couples Hinge,
Crossover Circulate,
All Cross Roll To A Wave,
Acey Deucey,
2/3 Recycle,
Tally Ho,
Left Swing Thru,
Walk And Dodge,
Left Chase Your Neighbor,
Trade Circulate,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7364   Print 
Heads Touch 1/4 & Cross,
Swing Thru,
Recycle With The Flow,
Grand 1/4 Thru & Spread,
Recycle With The Flow,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Boys Circulate,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10244   Print 
Heads Touch 1/4 And Cross,
Girls Pass In, Boys Start A Split Dixie Style,
Triple Cross,
Reverse Wheel And Box Recycle,
Boys Reverse Explode,
Slide Thru, Couples Circulate,
Girls Follow Thru,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
Interlocked Flip The Diamond,
Cross By,
Allemande Left

Not too tough. Has a Reverse Wheel And Boys Box Recycle.
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7376   Print 
Heads Touch 1/4 & Cross,
All Touch 1/4,
Extend & Little,
1/4 Thru,
Boys Run,
Right & Left Thru With The Flow,
Cast A Shadow,
Chain Reaction, Star 1/2,
Scatter Scoot Chain Thru,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1440   Print 
Heads Partner Trade,
Sides Pass The Ocean & Swing Thru,
All Linear Action,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10092   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
DYP Sides Rotary Spin Heads Square Thru 2,
Side Boys Run Right & Roll,
Centers Shakedown Head Boys Roll,
Siamese Circulate,
Transfer & Crossfire,
Those Facing Single Circle To A Wave,
Tandem Base Triangle Circulate,
Heads Step & Fold,
Split Recycle,
Centers Left Wheel Thru Ends Star Thru,
Reverse Wheel & U-Turn Back,
Centers Backaway Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10071   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Sides Half Sashay,
Reverse Single Circle To A (L-H) Wave,
Center Girl Run Left,
All The Centers Run,
All 8 Counter Rotate 1/4,
Crossover Circulate,
In Roll Circulate,
4 Boys Pass The Ocean,
All Diamond Circulate,
4 Girls Switch To A Diamond,
Cut The Hourglass,
Allemande Left

Includes a Reverse Single Circle to a Left Hand Wave. Concludes with a Cut the Hourglass to an Allemande Left.
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9088   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
All Left Touch 1/4,
Cross Your Neighbor,
Couples Circulate,
Girls Trade,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Tandem Based Triangle Circulate,
Cut The Hourglass,
2/3 Recycle,
Boys Run,
Cross Roll To A Wave,

The Switch to an Hourglass is from parallel lefty two-faced Lines.
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6282   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Left Touch 1/4 And Cross,
Chase Your Neighbor & Spread,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
4 Boys Cross Roll To A Wave,
Diamond Chain Thru,
All Cross Roll To A Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10031   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Pass & Roll,
1/4 Thru,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Hourglass Circulate,
Cut The Hourglass,
Couples Circulate,
Ferris Wheel & Roll,
Couples Circulate,
Four Boys Scoot And Weave,
Girls Zing,
Chain Reaction (Lefty),
Left Swing Thru,
Girls Trade,
All Pass The Sea,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10695   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Pass The Axle,
Load The Boat,
Pass Thru,
Swing And Circle 1/2,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9230   Print 
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Rotary Spin,
Alter The Wave,
Trade Circulate,
Flip The Line Half,
Cast A Shadow,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Alter The Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9942   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Swing Thru,
Tally Ho,
Stretch Explode Ends Slide Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7398   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Swing Thru & Weave,
Linear Cycle With The Flow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9947   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Swing Thru,
Flip Back,
Split Counter Rotate,
Grand Walk & Dodge,
1/4 In Ends Twice Centers Backaway Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5195   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Step & Fold,
Checkmate The Column,
Bend The Line,
Pass The Ocean,
Relay The Top, Star 1/2,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9943   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Tally Ho,
Face In Centers Slide Thru Backaway,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9945   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Linear Action,
Out Roll Circulate,
Acey Deucey,
Explode The Wave,
1/4 In Centers Twice Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1991   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
In Roll Circulate,
Circulate, Centers Go Twice,
Prefer The End Girl For An In Roll Circulate,
Wheel & Deal,
Centers Swap Around,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1992   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
In Roll Circulate,
Prefer The End Boy For An In Roll Circulate,
Ferris Wheel,
Centers Reverse Swap Around,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10029   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
All Pass The Ocean,
Relay The Shadow,
1/4 Thru,
Swing Thru,
Spin The Windmill Left,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Hourglass Circulate,
Flip The Hourglass,
Relay The Shadow (Lefty),
Girls 1/4 Thru,
Diamond Circulate,
Cut The Diamond,
Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10035   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
All Pass The Sea,
Relay The Shadow (Lefty),
Left Swing Thru,
Tally Ho (Lefty),
All Linear Cycle,
Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4,
Veer Left,
Crossover Circulate,
Bend The Line,
Pass Thru,
Vertical 3/4 Tag & Little,
Swing Thru,
Trade Circulate,
Motivate (Lefty),
Percolate (Lefty),
Boys Do An Ends Bend,
Split Dixie Style,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9954   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Centers In,
Twist The Line,
Veer Left,
Wrong Way Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9956   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Pass The Ocean,
Boys Lockit,
Girls Switch The Wave,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
Centers Belles Jay Walk,
L.A. 1/4 In Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5069   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Pass The Ocean,
Each Side Switch To A Diamond,
(Point to Point diamonds) Flip The Diamond,
Relay The Shadow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5193   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Relay The Top,
Swing Thru,
Relay The Top (again),
Counter Rotate 1/4,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9926   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Rotary Spin,
Swing Thru,
Trade Circulate,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9883   Print 
Heads Wheel Thru,
Rotary Spin,
Swing Thru,
Extend & Little,
Scatter Scoot,
Tally Ho,
1/4 Thru,
Boys Run Right,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9250   Print 
Heads Begin Split Dixie Sashay,
Centers Follow Thru,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Interlocked Cut The Diamond,
Cast A Shadow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9090   Print 
Heads Start A Split Dixie Sashay,
All Crossover Circulate,
Centers Follow Thru,
All Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
4 Girls Only Crossover Circulate,
Center 4 Pass The Sea,
All Diamond Circulate,
Center Wave 2/3 Recycle,
Couples Circulate,
Vertical Tag Back,
Girls Trade,
Pass The Ocean,
All 8 Counter Rotate 1/4,
Girls Run Right,
Turn And Deal,
Left Allemande (Box 1-4)
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9125   Print 
Heads Begin Left Split Square Chain The Top,
Step And Slide, Boys Cross Cast Back,
All 8 Percolate,
Boys Do An Ends Bend,
Split Dixie Style,
Acey Deucey,
Alter The Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9105   Print 
Heads Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Sides Recycle (Facing),
Diamond Circulate,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Centers Swing & Mix,
All Cut The Diamond,
2/3 Recycle,
Acey Deucey,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10041   Print 
Heads Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Sides Left Touch 1/4 (check Waves),
All 1/4 Thru,
Girls Run,
Girls Circulate 1 & 1/2 (check a Galaxy),
Galaxy Circulate,
Squeeze The Galaxy,
Hourglass Circulate,
Flip The Hourglass,
Counter Rotate 1/4,
Swing Thru,
Boys Run,
Couples Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Relay The Top,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1205   Print 
Heads Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Sides Single Circle To A Wave,
Six By Two Acey Deucey,
Boys 2/3 Recycle,
All Crossover Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Tally Ho,
All Eight Counter Rotate 1/4,
Relay The Top,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9701   Print 
Heads Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Sides Slide Thru,
Centers Touch 1/4,
Outsides Zing, Centers Walk & Dodge,
Boys Pass In,
Girls Begin A Split Square Chain The Top To A Wave,
Scatter Scoot & Weave,
Trade Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Mini Busy(lefty),
Acey Deucey,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9702   Print 
Heads Rotate 1/4,
Sides Pass The Ocean,
Each Side Cycle & Wheel,
Crossover Circulate,
Switch The Line,
Scatter Scoot Chain Thru,
Split Circulate,
Centers Follow Thru,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
Girls Zing, Boys Wheel Fan Thru,
Rotary Spin,
Girls Run Right,
Girls Circulate,
Bend The Line,
Load The Boat,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7392   Print 
Heads Box The Gnat,
Split Dixie Sashay,
Couples Hinge,
Wheel & Deal With The Flow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7380   Print 
Heads Box The Gnat,
Split Square Chain The Top,
Wheel Around With The Flow,
Centers Scoot & Weave,
   Others Zing,
Scoot Chain Thru & Little,
Motivate, Star 1/4,
Double Star Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9219   Print 
*** not validated ***
Heads Cross And Turn,
Wheel And Centers Start Triple Star Thru,
Step And Slide,
Horseshoe Turn,
Pass & Roll,
Centers Follow Thru,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
Interlocked Cut The Diamond,
1/4 Thru,
Scatter Scoot (box 1-4wave),
All 8 Circulate,
Tally Ho,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9258   Print 
Heads Cross & Turn,
Wheel And Double Star Thru,
All Cross Chain Thru,
Pass The Axle,
Pass Thru,
Twist The Line,
Centers Cross Trail Thru,
Left Touch 1/4 And Cross,
Shake Down,
Left Square Thru 3,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9272   Print 
Heads Cross & Turn,
Heads Left Chase Your Neighbor,
Out Roll Circulate,
Relay The Top,
Step & Fold,
Coordinate (lefty),
Bend The Line,
Left Square Thru 2,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9699   Print 
Heads Cross Trail Thru,
Same 4 Vertical 1/2 Tag,
   Box Counter Rotate 1/4 & Spread,
All Linear Cycle,
Pass Thru,
Girls Do An Ends Bend, Boys Shake Down,
Ladies Slide Thru, Boys Pass The Sea,
Chain Reaction,
Left 1/4 Thru,
Scatter Scoot & Weave,
All 8 Counter Rotate 1/4,
Single Wheel,
Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5651   Print 
*** not validated ***
Heads Cross Trail Thru,
Clover And Centers Start Triple Star Thru,
Step & Flip,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9694   Print 
Heads Double Star Thru, Sides Half Sashay,
Heads U-Turn Back,
Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave,
Split Circulate,
Left 1/4 Thru,
Alter The Wave,
Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5139   Print 
Head Double Star Thru,
Clover And Reverse Cross & Turn,
Cross Chain Thru, Star 3/4,
Pass Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10028   Print 
Heads Fan The Top,
All 8 Recycle,
Center 4 Switch The Wave,
Chain Reaction,
Cycle & Wheel,
Rotary Spin,
Boys Run Right,
Pass Thru,
Turn & Deal,
Double Pass Thru,
Track Two,
Tally Ho,
Trade Circulate,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5073   Print 
Heads Fan The Top,
Sides Half Sashay,
Flip Back,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9253   Print 
Heads Fan The Top,
Out Roll Circulate,
Swing Thru,
1/4 Thru,
Boys Run,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9270   Print 
Heads Fan The Top,
1/4 Thru,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
Center Boy Run Right,
DYP Boys Wheel & Deal, Girls Turn & Deal,
Cross Chain & Roll,
Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9889   Print 
Heads Fan The Top,
Scoot & Plenty,
Centers Ah So & Spread,
New Centers Pass The Sea,
Diamond Circulate,
Center 4 Switch The Wave,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
Crossover Circulate,
Centers Scoot & Weave,
Cut The Diamond,
Boys 2/3 Recycle, Girls Turn & Deal & Roll,
Couples Circulate,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=4578   Print 
Heads Fan The Top,
Scoot & Plenty, Do 3 Split Circulates,
Chain Reaction,
Ends Cross Fold,
Alter The Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10036   Print 
Heads Fan The Top,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Spin The Windmill, Left,
Explode The Waves,
Left Chase Your Neighbor,
Walk & Dodge,
Vertical 3/4 Tag & Plenty,
Girls Working 2/3, All 8 Recycle,
Four Boys Switch To A Diamond,
Hourglass Circulate,
Cut The Hourglass,
Mini Busy,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10088   Print 
Heads Flutter Wheel & Backaway,
Sides Star Thru & Spread,
Touch 1/4,
DYP Girls Track 2 Boys Circulate,
Boys Follow Thru,
Girls Press Ahead & 1/4 In,
All Step Ahead,
Boys U-Turn Back,
Pass Thru,
Tag Back To A Wave,
Tally Ho But Boys Mix,
(boys replace last part with),
Diamond Circulate,
Inside Triangle Chain Thru,
1/2 Tag,
Boys Run,
Wrong Way Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10064   Print 
Heads Flutter Wheel & Backaway,
Sides Star Thru,
Girls Distorted Column Double Pass Thru,
Boys Zing,
Girls Track 2,
Boys 1/2 Press Ahead & Slip,
Girls Press Ahead & Girls 1/4 In,
Pass The Ocean,
Out Roll Circulate,
Girls Trade,
Sides Triple Box Circulate,
Heads 1/4 Thru,
Girls Diamond Circulate,
Centers Wheel & Deal & Side Girls Jaywalk,
Ends Touch 1/4,
Split Recycle,
Tandem Girls Cross Run,
1/4 In Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10096   Print 
Head Girls Chain,
Sides Touch 1/4,
Girls Touch 1/4,
Walk & Dodge,
Boys Circle By 1/2 & 1/2,
Girls Move Along & Slide Thru,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Sides Cast Off 3/4,
Center Wave Switch The Wave,
Concentric Cycle & Wheel & Roll,
Rotary Spin,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10737   Print 
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line,
Touch 1/4, Boys Roll,
Each Box Trail Off,
Boys Mix,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Boys U-Turn Back & Circulate,
Alter The Wave,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10097   Print 
Heads Lead Right Circle To A Line,
Sides Half Sashay,
Girls Square Chain The Top,
Boys Circulate 1 & 1/2 & Hinge,
Those Facing Pass In,
Siamese Circulate 1 & 1/2,
( tandems in middle ),
Inside Triangle Circulate,
Heads Cross Your Neighbor,
Sides Partner Trade,
Move Along Make Lines,
Pass The Ocean,
Ah So,
Split Recycle,
Boys Run Wrong Way Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6283   Print 
Heads Left Touch 1/4 & Spread,
Centers Cross Trail Thru,
Step & Slide,
Clover And Cross Your Neighbor,
Chain Reaction,
4 Boys Pass The Sea,
Diamond Circulate,
4 Girls Switch The Wave,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
4 Boys Circle By 1/4 By 1/4,
Alter The Wave,
Acey Deucey,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9248   Print 
Heads Left Touch 1/4 & Spread,
In Roll Circulate,
Girls Do An Ends Bend,
Boys Walk & Dodge,
Girls Begin A Split Dixie Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
In Point Triangle Chain Thru,
All Crossover Circulate, Boys Twice,
Ends Only Zing, Other Boy Run Right,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10063   Print 
Heads Left Touch 1/4,
Boys Pass Out,
Boys Wheel & Deal,
Girls Press Ahead,
Girls Follow Your Neighbor,
All 8 Recycle Girls 2/3,
In Point Triangle Circulate,
Center Wave Recycle & Roll,
All Counter Rotate,
Swing The Fractions 4/5,
Counter Rotate Centers Twice,
Concentric Peel Off,
Bend The Line Centers Backaway,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7391   Print 
Heads Left Touch 1/4 & Cross,
Left Spin The Top,
Recycle With The Flow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9704   Print 
Heads Left Touch 1/4,
Make Magic,
Magic Column Circulate,
Magic Transfer And,
   Box Counter Rotate 1/4 & Spread,
All 8 Circulate,
Twist The Line,
Double Pass Thru,
Trail Off,
Touch 1/4,
Coordinate (**),
Girls Only Crossover Circulate,
Mini Busy,
Chain Reaction But Turn The Star 1/2,
Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9092   Print 
Heads Left Wheel Fan Thru,
Touch 1/4 And Cross,
Twist The Line,
Cross Chain & Roll,
Swing Thru,
Tally Ho,
Split Circulate,
Explode The Wave,
Turn And Deal,
Double Pass Thru,
Leaders Wheel Around,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1214   Print 
Heads Left Wheel Fan Thru,
Sides Half Sashay,
Rotary Spin,
Split Recycle,
Triple Trade,
Stretch Ah So,
As Couples Follow Thru,
Concentric 1/2 Tag,
As Couples Single Wheel,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9117   Print 
Heads Left Wheel Fan Thru,
All Touch 1/4 And Cross,
Twist The Line,
Cross Chain & Roll,
Swing Thru,
Tally Ho,
Split Circulate,
Explode The Wave,
Turn And Deal,
Double Pass Thru,
Leaders Wheel Around,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10699   Print 
Heads Left Wheel Fan Thru,
Left Pass & Roll Your Cross Neighbor,
Tag Back,
Counter Rotate,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9218   Print 
Heads Left Wheel Fan Thru,
Rotary Spin,
Swing Thru,
Twist And Girls Wheel Fan Thru,
Pass & Roll,
Scatter Scoot And Weave,
1/4 Thru & Spread,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5744   Print 
Heads Left Wheel Thru,
Swing Thru,
Ladies Circulate,
All Trade Circulate,
Ladies (in the center) Circulate Once And A Half,
(Facing hourglass)Flip The Hourglass,
Wheel & Deal,
Square Chain The Top,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10693   Print 
Heads Pair Off,
Spin The Top,
Each Wave Cross Roll,
As Couples Step And Fold,
1/2 Tag,
Scatter Scoot,
3/4 Thru,
Centers Swing Thru,
Cross Clover And Square Chain Thru,
Pass The Axle,
Centers Roll,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9948   Print 
Heads Pair Off,
Swing Thru,
Flip The Line,
Centers Swing Thru,
Jaywalk The Windmill Left,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7385   Print 
Heads Pair Off,
Touch 1/4,
Follow Thru,
Couples Circulate,
Centers Follow Thru,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru, Centers With The Flow,
All Swing Thru,
Swing The Fractions,
Acey Deucey,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10701   Print 
Heads Pair Off,
Cross Chain Thru,
Slide Thru,
Tally Ho,
Relay The Top,
Flip The Line 3/4,
Step And Fold,
Peel The Top,
Ah So,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1441   Print 
Heads Pass Thru & Step Ahead,
Sides Pass The Ocean,
Linear Action,
Boys Run,
Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Centers Swing Thru,
Linear Action,
Split Circulate,
Single Hinge,
Girls Cross Run,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5582   Print 
Heads Pass Thru,
Separate Around 1 To A Line,
Pass Thru,
Tag Back,
Alter The Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9806   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Scoot & Ramble,
Magic Walk & Dodge,
Trade By,
Reverse Single Circle To A Wave,
Trade Circulate,
Girls Run,
Tag The Line In,
Boys Run & Roll The Axle,
Spin The Top,
Scatter Scoot,
Boys Run,
Wrong Way Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7384   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean & Swing Thru,
Scoot & Ramble,
Cross Chain & Roll,
Scoot & Weave,
Switch The Wave,
Couples Circulate,
Bend The Line With The Flow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10033   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Centers Switch The Wave,
Chain Reaction,
Crossover Circulate,
Ends Bend And Touch 1/4,
All Magic Column Circulate,
Magic Walk & Dodge,
Centers Cross & Turn,
Ends Cross Cast Back,
Any Hand Do A 1/4 Thru,
Step And Flip,
Girls Pass Thru,
Boys Cross Cast Back,
Tally Ho (inverted line),
Split Circulate,
Stretch Ah So,
Centers Zing & Roll, Others 1/4 In,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7365   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Stretch Recycle, Centers With The Flow,
Those Facing Pass Thru,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Chain Reaction,
Ah So,
Girls Run,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10030   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Swing Thru,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
Flip The Interlocked Diamonds,
Acey Deucey,
Cast A Shadow,
Couples Circulate,
Four Boys Follow Thru,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
Cut The Interlocked Diamonds,
Cast A Shadow,
Boys Trade,
Boys Run,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7371   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Swing Thru,
Linear Cycle With The Flow,
1/4 Thru & Spread,
Left Swing The Fractions,
Swing Thru,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10760   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction, Star 1/2,
Wheel & Deal & Roll,
Split Circulate Twice,
Wheel & Deal,
Centers Cross Trail Thru,

Exercises Percolate, same position from R-H and L-H Waves
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1442   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swing Thru,
Boys Trade,
Boys Run,
Ferris Wheel & Spread,
Centers Pass The Ocean & Trade The Wave,
Outsides Left Touch 1/4,
All Linear Action,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9955   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Switch To A Diamond,
Boys Switch The Wave,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
Flip The Interlocked Diamond,
Cast A Shadow,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9949   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
3/4 Flip The Line,
Mix The Windmill Right,
Pass Thru,
Clover & Right & Left Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7400   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Recycle With The Flow,
Transfer And 1/4 Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9952   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Single Hinge,
Cross Your Neighbor,
Cast A Shadow,
Girls In Tandem U-Turn Back,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=4272   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
1/4 Thru, Boys Roll,
Centers Circulate,
Scatter Scoot,
Peel & Trail,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Any Hand 1/4 Thru & Roll,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10140   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Linear Action,
2/3 Recycle,
Pass The Axle,
Ends Slide Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10034   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Linear Action,
Swing Thru,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
Four Boys Cross Roll To A Wave,
Girls Zing,
Boys Swing Thru,
Boys Working 2/3, All 8 Recycle,
Girls Swing Thru,
Girls Switch The Wave,
All Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
Four Boys Pass The Sea,
Boys Alter The Wave,
All Cut The Diamond,
Bend The Line,
Fan The Top & Spread,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1438   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Linear Action,
Veer Left,
Wheel & Deal,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9944   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Linear Action,
Double Star Thru & Roll,
Ends 1/4 In Centers Backaway,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9249   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Plenty,
Chain Reaction,
Switch The Wave,
Crossover Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Boys Run Left,
Girls Circulate,
Left Turn And Deal,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10043   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Plenty,
In Roll Circulate,
Walk & Dodge,
Chase Your Neighbor,
Left 1/4 Thru,
Boys Trade,
Pass Thru,
Twist The Line,
Double Pass Thru,
Leaders Only Trade & Roll,
And Begin A Split Dixie Sashay,
Bend The Line,
Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4,
Rotary Spin,
Boys Run,
Double Star Thru & Roll,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7377   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Ramble,
Centers Pass Thru,
Double Star Thru & Roll,
Right & Left Thru With The Flow,
Cross Your Neighbor,
Couples Circulate,
Ferris Wheel,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9689   Print 
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Weave,
Swing Thru,
Linear Cycle,
Square The Bases Replace Part 2 With,
   Split Square Chain Thru,
Rotary Spin,
Walk & Dodge,
Vertical Tag Back To A Wave,
In Roll Circulate,
1/4 Thru,
Boys Run,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Right & Left Grand

Makes use of a variation on Square the Bases.
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10032   Print 
Heads Pass The Sea And Switch The Wave,
Chain Reaction,
Acey Deucey,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Girls Diamond Circulate,
Boys Touch 1/4,
Girls Flip The Diamond,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Those Facing Pass Thru,
Wheel And (Boys) Tag Back,
All Split Recycle,
Boys Run,
Pass The Ocean,
Cross By,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9697   Print 
Heads Pass The Sea,
   Ah So & Spread,
Centers Double Star Thru,
Stretch Cycle & Wheel, And Everybody Roll,
Couples Circulate,
Girls Scoot & Weave,
Girls Swing Thru,
Cut The Diamond,
Bend The Line,
Reverse Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4,
Square Thru On 3rd Hand, Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9138   Print 
Heads Pass The Sea,
   Ah So & Spread,
Centers Pass The Sea,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
4 Boys Switch The Wave,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
Girls Cross Roll To A Wave,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Bend The Line, (1p2p line),
Rollaway Half Sashay,
Left Square Thru But On The 4th Hand, R.L.G
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1427   Print 
Heads Pass The Sea,
Head Boys Trade, Side Boys U-Turn Back,
All Linear Action,
Boys Circulate,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9840   Print 
Heads Pass The Sea,
Relay The Top (lefty),
Alter The Waves,
Acey Deucey,
2/3 Recycle,
Centers Scoot & Weave (lefty),
All Diamond Chain Thru,
Left 1/4 Thru,
Cast A Shadow,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Explode And Fan The Top & Spread,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1207   Print 
Heads Reverse Cross And Turn,
Wheel And Wheel Thru,
Reverse Wheel And Reverse Swap Around,
Pass & Roll,
Fan The Top,
Relay The Shadow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10139   Print 
Heads Reverse Cross And Turn,
Wheel And Cross Trail Thru,
Pass Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9231   Print 
Heads Reverse Cross & Turn,
Wheel And, Double Star Thru,
Pass In,
Touch 1/4, Girls Only Roll, (check T-Bones),
All 8 Circulate,
Center 4 Box Circulate,
Boys Only Zing,
Stretch Cycle And Wheel,
Double Pass Thru, Horseshoe Turn,
Slide Thru, Couples Circulate,
Four Boys Follow Thru,
Interlocked Flip The Diamond,
Reverse Explode,
Bend The Line,
Pass The Sea,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9698   Print 
*** not validated ***
Heads Reverse Cross & Turn,
Reverse Wheel And Centers Start Triple Star Thru,
Pass Thru,
Twist The Line,
Cross Chain Thru,
All Touch 1/4 And Cross,
Ends Bend,
   Split Dixie Sashay,
Boys Left 1/4 Thru,
Cut The Diamond,
Couples Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Acey Deucey,
Cross By,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=4580   Print 
Heads Reverse Flutter Wheel,
Heads Touch 1/4,
Girls Pass Thru,
Spin The Windmill In,
Centers Walk & Dodge,
Centers Run,
Square The Bases,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9866   Print 
Heads Reverse Swap Around,
Wheel And Sides Cross & Turn,
Boys Pass In,
Girls Begin Split Square Thru 4 To A Wave,
Triple Trade,
Girls Single Wheel & Roll,
Boys Step & Fold,
Boys Box Counter Rotate 1/4,
Checkmate The Column,
3/4 Tag & Plenty,
Chain Reaction, Star 1/2,
Explode The Waves,
Turn & Deal,
Centers Pass Thru,
Cross Chain Thru,
Swing Thru,
In Roll Circulate,
Scatter Scoot & Weave,
Switch The Wave,
Ferris Wheel, Centers Sweep 1/4,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7403   Print 
Heads Right & Left Thru With The Flow & Weave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5063   Print 
Heads Right And Left Thru,
Sides Half Sashay,
Heads Fan The Top,
Leaders Run,
Square The Bases,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9803   Print 
Heads Right & Left Thru & Backaway,
All 8 Recycle,
All 8 Swing & Mix,
Explode & Sides Roll,
Heads Press Ahead,
All Touch 1/4,
Head Girls Jaywalk,
Twist & Split Dixie Diamond,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Step & Fold, (gs step bs fold),
Girls Trade & Roll,
Centers Circulate,
Girls Pass In,
Siamese Circulate,
Boys Run & Roll,(gs back up as bs run),
Vertical 1/2 Tag,
Centers Trade,
Centers 1/4 In & Backaway Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10091   Print 
Heads Right & Left Thru & Backaway,
Sides Pass The Ocean & Flip Back,
Heads Single Rotate 1/2,
Trade Circulate Girls Twice,
Twist & Circle By 1/4 & 1/2,
Linear Action But The Boys,
    (replace last part with),
    Reverse Explode,
Crossover Circulate,
Girls Weave Boys Touch 1/4,
Outer 6 Circulate,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Centers Mix The Windmill Right,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5539   Print 
Heads Right & Left Thru,
Same 4 Pass Out,
Cross Chain Thru,
Pass Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7361   Print 
Heads Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More,
Girls Jaywalk,
Linear Action,
Relay The Deucey,
Explode The Wave,
Shakedown With The Flow,
Checkmate The Column,
Cast A Shadow,
Left Swing The Fractions & Roll,
Pass Thru,
Shakedown With The Flow,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10044   Print 
Sides Box The Gnat,
  Split Dixie Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
In Point Triangle Chain Thru,
All Turn & Deal, Boys Roll,
Girls Only Left Wheel Thru,
Split Circulate 1 & 1/2,
Out Point Triangle Chain Thru,
Bend The Line,
Square The Bases Replace Part 2 With,
  Split Square Chain Thru,
Pass To The Center,
Centers Begin A Triple Star Thru,
All Step & Slide,
Left Roll To A Wave,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10090   Print 
Sides 1/4 To Promenade,
Heads Pass The Ocean & Cast Off 3/4,
DYP Boys Split Circulate Girls Ah So,
O Walk & Dodge,
Those Facing Squeeze,
Outsides Cross Cast Back,
Explode Square The Bases,
Rotary Spin,
Swing The Fractions,
Cross Your Neighbor,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9466   Print 
Boys DYP Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Phantom Ends Counter Rotate,
Phantom Acey Deucey,
Heads Single Hinge,
Near Wave Start Swing & Mix,
Boys Pass The Ocean,
Girls Pass The Sea,
Those Facing Pass Thru,
1/2 Tag,
Near 4 Tandem Trade,
Ends Zoom,
Centers Walk & Dodge,
1/4 In Centers Twice & Backaway,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1439   Print 
All Half Sashay,
Heads Fan The Top,
Linear Action,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6572   Print 
Four Ladies Chain 1/4,
Head Position Star Thru & Spread,
Pass Thru,
Tag Back,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=4497   Print 
4 Ladies Chain 3/4,
Head Position Left Wheel Thru,
Left Swing Thru,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10442   Print 
Couples # 3 & # 4 Half Sashay,
Sides Left Wheel Fan Thru,
Rotary Spin,
Split Recycle,
Triple Trade,
Stretch Ah So,
As Couples Follow Thru,
Concentric 1/2 Tag,
As Couples Trail Off,
Heads Single Wheel,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Center 6 Some Work Tandem Swing & Mix,
Very End Counter Rotate,
Center Diamond Cut The Diamond,
Very Centers Trade,
Cut The Diamond,
Girls Run,
Bend The Line,
Pass Thru,
Left Wheel & Deal Centers Sweep 1/4 Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10309   Print 
1/4 To Promenade,
Sides Squeeze,
Split Counter Rotate,
Those Who Can Tandem All Circulate,
Boys Crossover Circulate,
Wheel & Left Swing Thru,
Jaywalk The Windmill Left,
Tandem Lockit Centers Twice,
All 1/4 In Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5748   Print 
Four Ladies Chain,
Heads Split Square Thru 2,
The Axle, Centers Roll,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9442   Print 
All 4 Couples Square Chain Thru,
Single Wheel,
All 8 Dixie Style To A Wave,
Heads Hinge,
Very Center Boys Trade,
Chain Reaction,
Swing The Fractions,
Scatter Scoot,
Peel & Trail Chain Thru,
Stretch Turn & Deal,
Centers Sweep 1/4 & Backaway Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=1138   Print 
*** not validated ***
All Four Couples Square Chain The Top,
Single Wheel,
All Eight Dixie Diamond,
Bend The Line,
(Ladies lead) All Eight Left Dixie Sashay,
All Promenade Wrong Way...,
Side Ladies & Head Men Lead Cast A Shadow,
Acey Deucey,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9441   Print 
All 4 Couples Swing Thru & Turn Thru,
Heads Trade & Roll,
O Trade By,
O Touch 1/4,
Heads Squeeze,
Make Magic,
Reverse Wheel & Peel The Top,
Jaywalk The Windmill Right,
Split Counter Rotate & Boys Roll,
Siamese Peel The Top,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
Girls With The Flow,
Pass In Outsides Roll Centers Backaway Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9465   Print 
All 4 Couples Vertical Tag Back & Weave,
Heads Single Hinge,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Scoot & Plenty Centers Skip The Last Part,
Make Magic,
Magic Transfer The Column,
The Windmill Outer 4 Forward,
1/2 Diamond Chain Thru ( dia circ ctrs hinge ),
Center Diamond Flip The Diamond,
Cut The Diamond,
Triple Box Walk & Dodge,
Ends Run,
8 Circulate,
1/4 In Centers Twice & Backaway,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9107   Print 
All Four Couples Left Touch 1/4,
All Eight Scoot And Weave (lefty),
All Eight Left Swing Thru,
Cross By,
All Eight Swing Thru,
All Eight Switch The Wave,
Boys Run (Left),
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5311   Print 
All 4 Couples Right & Left Thru,
All 8 Vertical 1/2 Tag,
Original Heads 1/4 Thru,
Center 6 Any Hand Grand 1/4 Thru,
Center Diamond Any Hand 1/4 Thru,
As Couples Any Hand 1/4 Thru,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Triple Trade,
Explode The Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10703   Print 
All 4 Couples Right And Left Thru,
Heads Left Touch 1/4,
Triple Cross,
Inroll Circulate,
Press Ahead,
Butterfly Trail Off,
Butterfly Concentric Touch 1/4,
Butterfly Circulate,
Butterfly Transfer The Column,
Butterfly Magic Transfer The Column,
Boys Squeeze,
Those Facing Start, Rotary Spin,
Scoot Chain Thru To A Wave,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5718   Print 
All Four Couples Right & Left Thru,
Heads Pass Thru,
Clover And Left Turn Thru,
All Cross Chain Thru,
Pass Thru,
Cross Clover And Pass The Sea,
Center 4 Left Swing Thru,
Chain Reaction (Lefty)...And ...Spread,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5108   Print 
All 4 Couples Right & Left Thru,
Half Sashay,
Heads Split Square Thru 3,
Centers Press Ahead,
IY "O": Track 2,
Boys Tandem Squeeze,
Make Magic,
Trade & Roll,
Square Chain Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=7374   Print 
All 4 Couples Right & Left Thru,
Heads 1/2 Square Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Boys Run,
Reverse Flutter Wheel With The Flow,
Boys Mix,
All Linear Action,
Scoot & Weave,
Alter The Wave,
Girls Run,
Flutter Wheel With The Flow,
Split Circulate & Weave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9257   Print 
All Eight Wheel Fan Thru,
All Partner Trade,
All Eight Reverse Swap Around,
All Wheel Around,
All Eight Dixie Style To A Wave,
All Eight Swing & Mix,
All Eight 2/3 Recycle,
All Eight Zing,
All Four Couples Single Circle To A Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9228   Print 
All 8 Cross & Turn,
All 8 Wheel And (Nothing),
All 8 Dixie Diamond,
All 8 Diamond Circulate,
All 8 Switch The Line,
Cross By,
Right & Left Grand
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9229   Print 
All 8 Reverse Swap Around,
All Single Wheel & Roll,
All 8 Left Swing Thru,
All 8 Switch To A Diamond,
All 8 Cut The Diamond,
All 8 Left Turn & Deal,
All 8 Dixie Style,
Cross By,
All 8 Swing & Mix,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10008   Print 
Face The Caller,
O Right Roll To A Wave,
Girls Follow Thru,
Cut The Diamond,
Concentric Recycle,
All 8 Recycle,
Scoot Back,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Very Outsides 1/2 Circulate,
Those Facing Start Chain Reaction Star 1/2,
Ends Zoom,
1/2 Flip The Line,
Stretch Explode Outsides Roll Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5295   Print 
Allemande Left, Alamo Style,
Alamo Swing Thru,
Swing The Fractions,
Acey Deucey,
Swing The Fractions & Roll,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9951   Print 
L.A. In Alamo Style,
1/4 Thru,
Cross By,
All 8 Switch To A Diamond,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9254   Print 
Heads Spin The Top & Spread,
Scoot & Weave (lefty),
Scatter Scoot,
Step & Flip,
Boys Cross Cast Back,
Square The Bases Replace Part 2 With,
   Split Square Chain Thru,
Rotary Spin,
1/4 Thru,
Trade Circulate,
Allemande Left

Makes use of a Scoot & Weave from a Lefty 1/4 Tag formation. And a Square the Bases with a split square chain thru replacing the split square thru.
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4957   Print 
Heads Spin The Top,
Swing Thru,
Relay The Deucey,
Step & Fold,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10706   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Diamond,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Centers Swing Thru,
Outsides Zing,
Chain Reaction,
Single Wheel,
Pass The Axle,
Concentric Shakedown,
Boys Roll,
Split Recycle,
Relay The Shadow,
Left 1/2 Tag,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5279   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Diamond,
Outpoint Triangle Circulate,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey, Outside Boy Roll,
Outpoint Triangle Circulate & Roll,
Girls Weave,
Scoot & Ramble,
Magic Column Circulate,
Those Facing Start Pass & Roll,
Partner Tag,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5240   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
Centers Hinge,
All 6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Girls Switch To A Diamond,
Squeeze The Hourglass,
Boys Walk & Dodge,
   Girls 1/4 In,
Boys Work As Couples:
   Center Column Pass & Roll Your Neighbor & Spread,
Girls Extend & Weave,
Boys Bend The Line,
Scoot & Little,
Girls Run,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4893   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
Centers Left 1/4 Thru,
Inpoint Triangle Chain Thru,
Single Wheel,
Transfer The Column,
1/4 Thru,
Cross Chain Thru,
Pass To The Center & Roll,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4894   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
Centers Left 1/4 Thru,
Outpoint Triangle Chain Thru,
Trade Circulate,
Centers 1/4 Thru,
Outpoint Triangle Chain Thru,
Stretch Turn & Deal,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4915   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
As Couples Follow Thru,
Boys Single Wheel,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Center 6 Some Work Tandem (for a) Swing & Mix,
   Other Boy Counter Rotate 1/4,
Center Diamond Cut The Diamond,
Swing The Fractions,
Follow Thru,
As Couples Trail Off,
Partner Hinge,
Boys Run,
Centers Square Thru 3,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9830   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
As Couples Follow Thru,
Boys Single Wheel,
Outside Triangle Circulate,
Center 6 Some Work Tandem Swing & Mix,
End Boy Counter Rotate,
Center Diamond Cut The Diamond,
Swing The Fractions,
Follow Thru,
As Couples Trail Off,
Concentric Wheel & Deal Centers Sweep 1/4,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5245   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
As Couples Scoot & Weave,
Step & Flip,
Center Wave Swing Thru,
   Others Trade,
All 1/2 Press Ahead,
Swing The Fractions & Roll,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5203   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
As Couples Scoot & Weave,
Triple Trade,
As Couples Reverse Explode,
Ends Cross Fold,
Relay The Top,
In Tandem Reverse Explode,
Ends Trade,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5312   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
Couples Circulate,
Vertical 1/4 Tag,
Centers Swing Thru,
Follow Thru,
Acey Deucey,
Centers Vertical 1/2 Tag,
Scoot & Ramble,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=7381   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
Couples Circulate,
Bend The Line With The Flow,
Acey Deucey,
Flip The Line,
Leads Cast Back,
Any Hand Remake,
Tally-Ho & Spread,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4880   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
Couples Circulate,
Left Tag Back,
Acey Deucey,
Tag Back,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=7369   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
Ferris Wheel, Centers With The Flow & Cross,
All Pass & Roll,
1/4 Thru & Spread,
Follow Thru,
Ferris Wheel, Centers With The Flow & Cross,
Pass The Axle,
Alter The Wave, Turn The Diamond 1/4,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5118   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Split Counter Rotate 1/4,
Centers Vertical 1/2 Tag,
Everybody Magic Column Circulate,
Magic Transfer And 1/4 Thru,
Scoot & Weave,
Alter The Wave & Slither,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5306   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Step & Fold,
Grand Follow Your Neighbor & Spread,
Triple Trade,
Step & Fold,
Left Swing Thru,
Spin The Top,
Ah So & Roll,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5214   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Acey Deucey,
Scatter Scoot Chain Thru,
Left Remake & Mix,
Relay The Shadow,
Acey Deucey,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5019   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Ends 1/2 Circulate & U-Turn Back,
All Galaxy Circulate,
Acey Deucey & Roll,
Centers Pass Thru,
Ignore The Outside Girl For A Circle To A Line,
Center 6 Left Touch 1/4,
Grand Extend,
Grand Left 1/4 Thru,
Step Thru,
Split Counter Rotate 1/4,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4841   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Cross Extend,
Wheel And Spin The Top,
Chain Reaction,
1/4 Thru,
Alter The Wave,
Cross Extend,
Wheel And Spin The Top,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4836   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Cross Extend,
Linear Action,
Spin The Top,
Grand Swing Thru,
Relay The Shadow,
Motivate, Star 3/4,
Centers Right Roll To A Wave,
Centers Alter The Wave,
Cross Extend,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5177   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Extend & Ramble,
Swing Thru,
Extend & Ramble,
Track 2,
Swing Thru,
Scatter Scoot Chain Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5241   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Fan The Top,
Grand Left Swing Thru,
Grand Left Swing Thru (again),
Boys Step & Fold,
Girls Single Hinge,
All Work Tandem: Squeeze The Diamond,
Boys Walk & Dodge,
Girls 1/4 In,
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor & Spread,
Motivate, Star 3/4,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10705   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Finish Left Swing The Fractions,
Chain Down The Line,
Dixie Sashay,
Couples Circulate,
Crossover Circulate & Roll,
Siamese Circulate,
Siamese Peel The Top,
Cut The Interlocked Diamond,
Wheel And Deal,
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor,
Trade & Roll,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5166   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
In Roll Circulate,
Linear Cycle,
Square The Bases,
Pass Thru,
Centers Pass In Twice,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5271   Print 
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Split Circulate,
Triple Box Counter Rotate 1/4,
Triple Box Peel & Trail,
Left Remake,
Acey Deucey,
Tandem Swing Thru,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=7362   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
Explode The Wave,
Turn & Deal, Girls With The Flow,
Boys Concentric Recycle,
   Girls Peel & Trail,
All Grand Swing Thru,
Relay The Shadow,
Explode And Square Thru 3,
Wheel & Deal, Boys Sweep 1/4 With The Flow,
Girls 1/4 Right,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5248   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
Wheel And Flutter Wheel,
Boys Pass Out,
Pass & Roll & Weave,
Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears,
Reverse Wheel And Explode The Wave,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4882   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
Centers Swing Thru, Others Trade,
Centers Recycle,
Double Pass Back,
1/4 Thru,
Explode The Wave,
Turn & Deal,
Dixie Grand,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10422   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
The Axle , Girls Roll,
Girls Swing & Mix,
Boys Concentric Pass The Sea,
Grand Left Swing Thru,
Cast Left 3/4,
Walk & Dodge,
Stretch Ah So,
Boys Peel & Trail,
Linear Action,
Those Facing Pass Thru,
End Girl U-Turn Back,
Triple Box Left Shakedown & Roll,
Cross Your Neighbor,
Acey Deucey,
Centers Explode,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4897   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
The Axle, Girls Roll,
Girls Swing & Mix,
Boys Concentric Pass The Sea,
Grand Left Swing Thru,
Cast Off 3/4,
Walk & Dodge,
In Roll Circulate,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5219   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
Left Shakedown,
Ends Percolate,
Centers Left Alter The Wave,
Centers Hinge & Cross,
As Couples Shakedown,
Fan The Top,
Linear Action,
Stretch Ah So,
Girls Run,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4936   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave,
Split Recycle,
Trade The Wave,
Grand Swing Thru,
Flip Back,
Split Recycle,
Cross By,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=7402   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave,
Chain Down The Line With The Flow,
Left Swing The Fractions,
Counter Rotate 1/4,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4031   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave & Roll,
Pass Thru,
Triple Box Touch 1/4,
Triple Box Circulate,
Each Wave Slip,
Alter The Wave,
Girls Triple Box Vertical 1/2 Tag,
Promenade Home
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5289   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain The Top,
Explode The Wave,
End Boy Run,
All Lockit (same spot),
Grand Swing Thru,
Single Wheel,
Square Chain The Top,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5199   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain The Top,
Ends Only Regroup,
Split Square Thru 3,
Ends Only Regroup,
Split Dixie Sashay,
Couples Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Swing Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5733   Print 
Heads Split Square Chain The Top To A Wave,
Step & Fold,
Split Circulate,
Acey Deucey Once And A Half,
Four Boys Diamond Circulate,
Center Diamond Circulate,
Very Center Two Boys Trade,
All The Girls U-Turn Back,
Four Boys Switch To A Diamond,
Allemande Left
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5209   Print 
Heads Split Square Thru,
   On 3rd Hand Turn Thru,
Rotary Spin & Spread,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5265   Print 
Heads Split Square Thru,
   On 3rd Hand Grand Swing Thru,
Step Thru,
Twist And Pass The Sea,
Left 1/4 Thru,
Explode The Wave,
Twist And (do the) Center's Part Of Load The Boat,
Box The Gnat,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5243   Print 
Heads Split Square Thru 3,
Step & Flip,
Centers Fan The Top,
   Other Boy Run,
Centers Swing Thru,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey, Girls Roll,
Boys Turn Thru,
All Step & Flip,
In Tandem Beaus Run,
Triple Scoot,
Grand 1/4 Thru,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5229   Print 
Heads Split Square Thru 3,
Partner Trade, Girls Roll,
Split Dixie Diamond (odd),
Outside Triangle Circulate Twice,
Girls Trade The Wave & Hinge,
Triple Scoot,
Grand 1/4 Thru,
Explode Pass & Roll,
Cross By,
01-December-2024 20:16:45
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