I am Sandi Jesperson, Caller of contras and New Dancers for the Vanderhoof Drifting Squares.
Our club is 13 years old. All Thursdays ,Dolores Young and myself call and cue.
We have Gys Koop from Prince George, as our square dance caller (part time, 2nd and 4th Thursdays) )
and will help increase our dance nights as we can through the dance season.
We dance rounds 6:30 to 7:00, then 7 to 8 New Dancers and finally mainstream after about 8:00 or so.
We also occasionally dance contra dance for about 30 minutes at about 8:00. These are easy contras.
We dance for fun and not so fancy. Special dress not necessary but lots of our women and men do dress up.
Cost is currently $5/night/dancer. If you are coming to join us... call ahead in case we are doing a
demonstration in the community or bad weather/poor attendance has moved or cancelled the dance.