Kilowatt Eights Square Dance Club has been continuously dancing since its start by Joe Lang in 1939 as
part of the Colorado Public Service Company and its employee G&E Club. Dancing started in the truck
garage of the power company until WWII forced the Club to move to an off company site due to wartime
security. It returned to company facilities in 1948 until the Club and the company parted ways in 1972.
It continued independently up to the present time dancing in different locations until in 2002 we found
the newly constructed Malley Senior Center in Englewood, Colorado where we dance still in its very spacious
and attractive Pikes Peak Ballroom.
Over the years the original founder/caller Joe Lang retired from calling in 1956 then his associate and
assistant Loren Pace took the calling duties until PSCo of C transferred him to Leadville in 1960. Charlie
Tuffield called then until 2002 when he retired from active calling. K8s was without a club caller until
2014 when Bill Heiny took the reigns as club caller.