TBDID: 119

Never Called
Author:  Vic Ceder
Starts from:  Becket
Progression:  Normal
Difficulty:  Medium
Rating:  not rated
Calls used:  Big Oval, Ladies Chain, Long Wave, Slide Left

A1  Long Lines Forward and Back;
Gents forward to Long Wave + Right Allemande 1/2 + Left Allemande 1/2. (Grand Swing Thru)
A2  Gents push back as Ladies forward to Long Wave + LEFT Allemande 1/2 + Right Allemande 1/2 (Left Grand Swing Thru);
(Ladies step forward to) Neighbor Swing and Couples face clockwise in Big Oval (R-shoulders towards the center).
B1  Walk forward until lined up with Partner, Ladies R-shoulder Pass then Partner Swing.
B2  Right & Left Thru;
Circle Left 1/2 + Slide Left.

