TBDID: 126

*** In Progress ***
Never Called
Progression Not Validated
Timing and Flow Not Validated
Author:  Vic Ceder
Starts from:  Square
Progression:  Square - Corner Progression
Difficulty:  Easy
Rating:  not rated
Calls used:  1/2 Square Thru

A1  Heads (Sides) opposite R-H Balance + 1/2 Square Thru;
(same 4) opposite R-H Balance + 1/2 Square Thru to Face Corner.
A2  R-H Star (6 beats), then turn alone on 7+8;
L-H Star (6 beats), then face corner on 7+8.
B1  Corner Balance + Swing.
B2  Promenade full around to Gent's home position.

