Never Called
Author:  Vic Ceder
Starts from:  Improper
Progression:  Normal
Difficulty:  Medium
Rating:  not rated
Calls used:  Big Oval, Right & Left Thru, Tag The Line, Turn As Couples, Veer

A1  Circle Left 1/2, Veer Left + Ladies Right Allemande 1/2;
Tag The Line, Face LEFT.
A2  Big Oval Walk Forward counter-clockwise (6 steps) + Turn As Couples;
Big Oval Walk forward clockwise until lined up with Partner.
B1  Ladies R-shoulder pass by to Partner Swing.
B2  Right & Left Thru;
Balance Ring + Ladies face Right (or spin right 1 & 1/4) as Gents R-shoulder Pass Thru and face Right (Wheel Thru).

