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Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS)
Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS)
Csds2 3.45  (February 2025)  
is the latest version 
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The Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) is a computer program to
  • Write square dance choreography
  • Store and retrieve square dance sequences or modules
  • Store and retrieve getouts (resolves) and getins
  • Manipulate lists of square dance calls
  • Generate bitmap pictures of formations
  • Display sequences for calling from a laptop
  • Organize and play music files
  • Display cue sheets and lyrics for singing calls
  • Promotional flyer (PDF)


  • 2-dancer, 4-dancer, 6-dancer, 8-dancer, and 12-dancer choreography
    You can write standard 8-dancer choreography, or special purpose choreography such as 2-couple or 6-couple (rectangular or hex) material.
  • Asymmetric choreography
    The program is capable of doing concepts such as Near, Far, Those Facing The Caller, Couple #N, etc.
  • 45-degree choreography
    You can see the absolute position of dancers after calls such as Slip The Clutch.
  • Types of sequences

    You can write several types of sequences, such as
    • Normal sequences
      Start from a squared set and end with a resolve.
    • Short sequences
      Same as normal sequences, but much shorter, say 5 calls or less.
    • Singing-call sequences (corner or R-H lady progression)
    • Modules
      Such as zero-lines to zero-box
    • Stir-the-bucket routines

    Sequences are stored in sequence databases. Each sequence database has several properties (such as level, degree of difficulty, and type of sequences). For example, one database can contain your A1-Level singing calls, another can contain your A2-Level Asymmetric sequences, another can contain short Plus-Level sequences. Since the program knows which type of sequences are contained in each database, it can verify that the sequences work (e.g., that after a corner-progression singing call sequence, the dancers are in sequence, and paired with their corners).
  • All calls up thru C4.
    The program has a list database containing all (as far as I know) calls, concepts, identifiers, fractions, used in Square Dancing. You can add calls, or move calls from one level to another. If you want, you can also create your own 'levels'.
  • New calls or variations of existing calls can be added as desired.
    When the program is unable to do a particular call, or a variation of a call, you are prompted to 'add it'. In this case, you enter the name of the call, and then, using a graphical interface, drag dancer icons from their starting position to their ending position. You then specify a few properties such as each dancer's Roll direction, if any. The program then saves that information, and 'knows' how to do the given call from that position. This is a very powerful feature since you can add practically any variation or use of a call (whether it is legal or not!) Once a new variation of a call has been added, the program can automatically generate getouts using that call.
  • Abbreviations for calls can be added.
    The program has an extensive abbreviation database. For example, you can type in 'RTD', and the program will expand it to 'Relay The Deucey' (that is, if you are writing a Plus-Level sequence. If you are writing a C4-Level sequence, the program will prompt you to select the desired expansion from a list of available expansions since the desired call could have been 'Relay The Diamond'). In any case, if you have some favorite abbreviation, you may add it. You are also free to delete any of the supplied abbreviations.
  • Extensive getout (resolve) database and a modest getin database.
    Both databases are for 8-dancer choreography only. The program can automatically generate short sequences (opening biggies) by comparing these two databases.
  • Lists of calls can be generated and printed.
    Lists can also be used to generate frequency counts of how many times each call was used within a set of sequences.
  • The program is customizable.
    All databases can be edited. You can add your favorite getins, getouts, abbreviations, calls, levels, etc. You can also change the color of the dancer icons. If you don't like the supplied icons, make your own (the dancer icons used by the program are standard 32 x 32 Windows icons.
  • Sequences can be printed in several modes:
    • One sequence per 8.5 x 11" page
    • Several sequences per page
    • One sequence per 8 x 5" card or per default-size printer page
    • Or, sequences can be written to one or more text files to be imported into a word processor
  • An installation program installs the program and necessary system files.
  • Written in Microsoft Visual Studio 10. (32-bit)

Not Supported 

The following features are not supported at this time:

  • Dancer animation
  • Counting number of beats per call

System Requirements 

  • Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP.  Windows 95 and 98 not recommended.
    (CSDS is regularly tested on Windows 10 and 11.)
  • Approximately 40 MB hard disk space is required for installation

Ordering Information 

  • The price of the complete CSDS program is $200 USD.
  • The program is distributed as a web-download. A user key will be generated and instructions on how to download and install will be emailed. Please be patient: this is not an automatic function! It may take a day or a week depending on programmer schedule.
  • Each copy of CSDS is licensed to a single user.
    The program may be installed on multiple machines provided that only the licensed user actually uses the program.
  • Online Purchase of Ceder Square Dance Products
  • If purchased online, a 5.5% processing fee will be assessed.

If you have any further questions or comments, please Contact Vic

Upgrade Information 
  • The CSDS program is frequently updated to add enhancements and fix bugs.
  • To upgrade CSDS, run the program, and from the main menu select 'System | Upgrade program from web'.
25-March-2025 03:46:27
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