Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From a 1/4 Tag formation only (at A1 and A2). EN: 10

  1. Very Centers and the directly-facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 (walk forward in an arc, changing facing direction by 90°, 1/4 of a Circle around the outside of the set); EN: 20
  2. Centers of each side Hinge; EN: 30
  3. Center 4 Star 1/4 as Outsides Trade; EN: 40
  4. Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). EN: 50

A 1/4 Tag formation ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 60

Chain Reaction
Those Facing Pass Thru
as End of center line Counter Rotate 1/4 EN: 70
Centers of each side Hinge EN: 80
Center Star turn 1/4
as Outsides Trade
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4
as Others move up EN: 90



Warning: EN: 190

Some callers teach Chain Reaction as follows: EN: 200
  1. Everybody Extend; EN: 210
  2. Centers Hinge as Ends 1/2 Circulate;
  3. Center Star turn 1/4 as Outsides Trade;
  4. Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up. EN: 220

Please do not learn Chain Reaction in this manner. EN: 230

Although the above definition (henceforth referred to as the 'cheat' definition) may seem like an equivalent and easier definition, it has many problems: EN: 240

  1. From a L-H 1/4 Tag, the cheat definition causes some dancers to pass the wrong shoulder, which may lead to a collision or unnecessary shuffle steps as two facing dancers attempt to pass different shoulders. EN: 280
  2. If you advance into the C1-level, you will have to re-learn the correct definition of Chain Reaction since the cheat definition does not work from all legal starting positions. EN: 250
  3. If a concept is applied to Chain Reaction, you may be unable to properly execute the call if you follow the cheat definition. (e.g., Those Facing Start Chain Reaction; Finish Chain Reaction; Initially Twice Chain Reaction) EN: 260
  4. The cheat definition is inconsistent with the definition of Cross Chain Reaction [C3A]. EN: 270

Star 1/2, 3/4, or Don't Turn The Star. EN: 290

Scoot Reaction [C3A]:
From Parallel Waves. Scoot Back but the Centers hold on after the Arm Turn 1/2 as the Outsides slide together to form a Couple; all Chain Reaction. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 146

anything The Action [C4]:
Do the anything call (which usually ends in a Trade By formation); Centers make a R-H Star (usually 1/2 Reverse Swap Around) and Star 1/4 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up. Usually ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 147

Chain Reaction But anything [C1V]:
Do a Chain Reaction, except the final Centers replace Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. For example (from a R-H 1/4 Tag): Chain Reaction But Left Swing ThruEN: 540 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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