From a 1/4 Tag formation only (at A1 and A2). EN: 10
Very Centers and the directly-facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End
of the Center Line
Counter Rotate 1/4
(walk forward in an arc, changing facing direction by 90°,
1/4 of a Circle around the outside of the set); EN: 20
Don't move unless you have someone to work with for the next part of the call. EN: 120
Wait an extra beat or two, as necessary, so that everyone is in the
correct position for the next part of the call. EN: 130
Outside Dancers not directly facing a Very Center must
stay in place for the first part of the call. Wait for
another dancer to come to you before doing the Hinge.
Should you start moving prematurely, you may cause the square to break down. EN: 140
Wait until there are four hands in the star before you start to turn it! EN: 150
The 'Pass Thru' is always Right-shoulders. EN: 160
At A1 and A2, Chain Reaction is restricted to starting from a
R-H or L-H 1/4 Tag only. EN: 170
At C1 and above, Chain Reaction may be
called from any valid generalized 1/4 Tag. EN: 180
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up. EN: 220
Please do not learn Chain Reaction in this manner. EN: 230
Although the above definition (henceforth referred to as the 'cheat' definition)
may seem like an equivalent and easier definition, it has many problems: EN: 240
From a L-H 1/4 Tag, the cheat definition causes some dancers to
pass the wrong shoulder, which may lead to a collision or unnecessary
shuffle steps as two facing dancers attempt to pass different shoulders. EN: 280
If you advance into the C1-level, you will have to re-learn the correct
definition of Chain Reaction since the cheat definition does not
work from all legal starting positions. EN: 250
If a concept is applied to Chain Reaction, you may be unable to
properly execute the call if you follow the cheat definition. (e.g.,
Those Facing Start Chain Reaction;
Finish Chain Reaction;
Initially Twice Chain Reaction) EN: 260
From Parallel Waves.
Scoot Back but the Centers hold on after the Arm Turn 1/2 as the
Outsides slide together to form a Couple; all Chain Reaction.
Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 146
anything The Action[C4]:
Do the anything call (which usually ends in a Trade By formation);
Centers make a R-H Star (usually 1/2 Reverse Swap Around) and Star 1/4 as
Outsides Hinge & Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up.
Usually ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 147
Chain Reaction But anything[C1V]:
Do a Chain Reaction, except the final Centers replace
Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call.
For example (from a R-H 1/4 Tag): Chain Reaction But Left Swing Thru. EN: 540