Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Facing Couples.

Beaus 1/2 Box Circulate and Right-face U-Turn Back as Belles Left Dodge and Veer Left.

Ends in a R-H Wave.

Beaus 1/2 Box Circulate as
Belles Left Dodge
Original Beaus right-face
U-Turn Back as
original Belles Veer Left


Why are there are two different calls named Recycle?

The original idea for Recycle was the (now C1) call All 8 Recycle, which starts and ends in a 1/4 Tag. The Centers do the Mainstream-version of Recycle, but work wide to end as a Couple on the outside, as the Outsides move into the middle and do the A2-version of Recycle to end in the Center Wave.

Later, it was "discovered" that there are really two calls within the call All 8 Recycle, and that these two calls could be done separately. Hence there are two versions of Recycle.

Box Recycle [C1]: From Facing Couples, a Mini-Wave Box, or a Box consisting of one R-H Mini-Wave and one In-Facing Couple. Those who are a Couple do your part of a (Facing) Recycle as those in a Mini-Wave do a Leaders Trail Off as Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate and U-Turn Back by turning toward the Center of the 4-dancer formation. Ends in a Wave.

Split Recycle [C1]: From applicable formations. Each 2 x 2 do a Box Recycle.

All 8 Recycle [C1] (Lee Kopman 1974): From a 1/4 Tag (or Squared Set or Thar). Wave dancers Recycle, taking a wider arc than normal, to end as Couples on the outside as the Outside dancers move into the Center & do a Box Recycle with one another to end in the Center Wave. A 1/4 Tag setup ends in a 1/4 Tag.

Recycle [Mainstream] (Lee Kopman 1974): From a Wave. Centers Fold behind Ends and all adjust to a Mini-Wave Box; Box Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll. Ends in Facing Couples.

Cross Cycle [C3B]:

From a Two-Faced Line (Joe Chiles 1975):
  1. Centers Cross Fold and all adjust to a Box;
  2. Box Counter Rotate 1/4;
  3. Roll.
Ends in Facing Couples.

From an applicable 2 x 2 (e.g., Facing Couples or Mini-Wave Box):
As one movement, (Facing or Box) Recycle & Slither. Ends in a Two-Faced Line.

Counterpoint [C3B]: From applicable formations. Centers Recycle as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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