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Experimental Calls and Concepts
Experimental Calls and Concepts
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New or experimental square dance calls and concepts.

If you are the author of a new call or concept, Contact Vic to add your idea to this database.

 anyone Think Twice (or Once) 

Split Circulate Twice (or Once), designated dancers (anyone) U-Turn Back.

If no-one is designated, then no-one does the U-Turn Back.

Comments and Examples:
Can be called at any level.
Can be called from any box formation: lines, columns, etc. Results.. waves, two-faced lines, 3-1 lines... trade-by, double pass thru, completed double pass thru.

Variations include:

  • Leaders, Think Twice  (two Split Circulates and original Leaders U-Turn Back).
  • Reverse Think Twice  (U-Turn Back then two Split Circulates).
  • Boys! Think (for )once...  (one Split Circulate and Boys U-Turn Back).

Ray Tock, 2001

ID: 6

 Big Bang 

From Parallel Lines.

  1. Explode
  2. Grand Swing Thru
  3. Cross Concentric: Outsides 2/3 Recycle as Centers Switch To A Diamond

Ends in a R-H Galaxy.

Comments and Examples:
"Big Banging <anything>": Replace 2/3 Recycle with <anything>.
Example, Big Banging Ah-So.

Dave Heffron, 2019

ID: 17

 Chess Board 

From Parallel Waves.

Leaders Curve toward the handhold (right from R-H Waves, left from L-H Waves) as Trailers Run & Roll.

Ends in (C-1) Blocks.

Daniel Dietlein, 2009

ID: 12

 Compress the Diamond 

From a (generalized) Diamond. Centers Hinge then Run around the nearest End while the Ends slide together and Trade. Ends in a Line.

Comments and Examples:
You can Compress the Hourglass (left, right, facing, funny) by performing two Compress the Diamonds (the diamond in the hourglass, then the subsequent diamonds).

You can also Cross Compress the Diamond/Hourglass. After partner hinging, cross run. The rest is as usual.

Joni Micals, 2003

ID: 8

 Detract n | anything 

From 2x4 formations in which the Outsides are in Tandem.

  1. Outsides Concentric 1/2 Zoom then Hinge as Centers Counter Rotate 1/4;
  2. Outsides Hinge again as Centers 1/2 (Box) Circulate;
  3. Those who meet Cast Off the given number of quarters (n) or do the anything call as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate).

Detract is a 3-part call.

Comments and Examples:
Similar to Breaker n | anything.

Osamu Otsuka, 1999

ID: 5

 Diamond Perk Up 

From Twin Diamonds. Diamond Circulate, then Finish Finish Perk Up (i.e., start with part 3)

Comments and Examples:
Diamond Perk Up is similar to a Perk Up but replace the first all 8 circulate with a diamond circulate then finish a perkup ends go 2 as they are. I've called it for my dancers and they like it. So the technical definition would be: All Diamond Circulate then Centers Hinge, Circulate and Trade while the Outsides Circulate Twice.

Lynn Webster, 2001

ID: 2

 Gravity Concept 

Replace each Arm Turn 1/2 with a U-Turn Back.

The U turn back is done in toward the direction as if you did the call normally. Right arm turn is replaced with right face u turn back and vice versa.

Comments and Examples:

1/4 and 3/4 turns are not effected.

For example, a Gravity Spin the Top is a U-Turn Back followed by Fan The Top.

Daniel Dietlein, 2009

ID: 13

 Hokey <anything> 

Ends Hocus Pocus, Centers Concentric <anything>

Comments and Examples:
This is basically a variation of Lines <anything> Thru, but I think it is more interesting due to the shape changing nature of Hocus Pocus for the ends. There is also a special case of Hokey <anything>, namely: Call: Hokey Pokey Definition: Ends Hocus Pocus, Centers Concentric Reverse Single Rotate 0/4. Note, on Hokey Pokey the centers "put your right foot in". But if you want them to "shake it all about" you'll need to call Hokey Shakedown.

Keith Rubow, 2003

ID: 9

 Lock the (fraction) Tag 

From a Wave or Two-Faced Line.

Lockit & Roll; Extend to the given fractional Tag formation.

If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line.

Daniel Dietlein, 2009

ID: 11

 Peel The Deucey 

From Mini-Wave Columns or appropriate Twin "Z"s.

Leaders Peel Off, all Extend (if necessary) to a Wave; Finish Relay The Deucey.

Ends in Parallel Waves.

Kenny Reese, 2006

ID: 10

 Progressive Box | Line | Wave anything 

From an eight-dancer formation. The identified Box or Line (use the near 4-dancer formation if no formation is identified) does the anything call; Center Box or Line do the anything call; the remaining (far) Box or Line do the anything call.

Comments and Examples:
This call came to me when I was writing asymmetrical material. I needed something that would bring the dancers back to some type of symmetrical setup. I had parallel lines/waves running the long way down the hall. I had them do a Progressive Box Circulate starting with the box nearest me and then center box then far box. I then did it with calls like scoot back. I had them do a Progressive Box Circulate starting with the box nearest me and then center box then far box. I then did it with calls like scoot back. Again I mainly use it with asymmetrical material. The main rule is to have the caller identify what box he wants the dancers to start with. That box does the call, then the next box, then the last box. It defaults to the closest box to the caller if none given. I've also had a Tidal wave and called Progessive wave swing thru and calls done from a wave.

Lynn Webster, 2001

ID: 3


From Parallel Lines or applicable 2x4 T-Bones.

  1. Vertical Tag Back to a Wave;
  2. Hinge;
  3. Lockit.
  1. Concentric Zing;
  2. Circulate;
  3. 1/2 Circulate.

Parallel Lines end in a R-H Tidal Wave.

Reconstruct is a 3-part call.

Lee Kopman, 2002

ID: 7

 Smooth Sailing 

Lockit, Hinge, and Weave. This is a 3-part call

Comments and Examples:
You can fractionalize it or do it in reverse order. Dancers seem to enjoy it... What do you think? It's not hard - but fun to do.

Lee Kopman, 2000

ID: 16

 Top It Off 

From Tidal Line.

  1. Trade;
  2. Center 6 Cast Off 3/4 and Lead Ends U-Turn Back as Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4.

Comments and Examples:
anything It Off -- replace Trade with anything (i.e., Hinge It Off).

Similar to Relay Your Pleasure.

Lee Kopman, 2013

ID: 15

 Touch To A Galaxy 

From Static Square or appropriate T Bones.

  1. Centers (or designated dancers) Touch 1/4 & Spread;
  2. New Centers Touch 1/4 as Ends 1/2 Circulate.

Ends in a R-H Galaxy.

Comments and Examples:
This is a 2-part call.

Sample choreography (C1):

Heads Touch To A Galaxy,
Wave Based Triangle Circulate,
Squeeze The Galaxy,
Flip The Hourglass,
Acey Deucey,
Relay The Top, Star 3/4,

Cyril Rendell, 2008

ID: 14

Definitions of Miscellaneous Calls and Concepts also lists some new or experimental calls.
23-March-2025 07:57:57
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