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The page contains functions that clean-up, compact, edit, and backup our web-based database tables. We also have other functions helpful to maintaining a web site such as functions to create indices, links to web-based documentation, a way to send E-mail, a way to view files uploaded to our site, and a way to do mass E-mails.
Most of the functions on the administrator page are password protected so that web surfers can not execute the functions.
Using javascript might work, as long as the E-mail addresses are not stored as xxx@yyy.zzz. That is, many webbots scan the entire file for strings of the xxx@yyy.zzz format. If you use some other character instead of the at-sign, you can then use javascript to replace that character with an at-sign. That'll probably work.
This trick works because web spiders follow links but do not submit forms.
To obtain a User Key for one of my computer programs, you must purchase the program.
We use MySQL under PHP4 as the database system.
One reason I started our web site was to learn a better way to do web-based databases. I had a project at work using a Mustang WinServer, Bluestone Sapphire Web, and an Oracle 7.3 database. I wasn't happy with how it all worked (primarily with the WinServer), so I started playing around with MySQL/PHP.
I'd say over 95% of our site is PHP instead of HTML.
About 90% of the PHP scripts are custom written by me.
I use three 'freeware' PHP applications:
The first two applications are for database administrator functions, although I had to write a few such functions myself (primarily backup and restore functions).
WebExplorer is a nice alternative to FTP.
A few times a year, I look at some of the PHP resources listed on our tools page ( http://www.ceder.net/tools.php ) for PHP scriplets that might be useful.
PHP is excellent for including files, accessing databases, doing redirection, creating files, and all other sorts of server-side CGI tasks.
This will automatically create a page on our site for you similar to http://www.ceder.net/callerdb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=393
This will also automatically place your web site on our list of 'Callers with Web Sites' at http://www.ceder.net/callerdb/caller_web_sites.php
As for our Links page, http://www.ceder.net/links.php, I only list sites that I deem contain significant and important information.
Your background | |
I'm also curious as to your background. I'm going to guess you
have a programming background (or that you're an active S/W developer). |