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    Downloading CSDS databases
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    In browsing your website I see there is the ability under the Choreography Database section to download the CSDS Databases. What software is needed to read these databases?

    I assume you are referring to the CSDS Databases listed in the Choreography Database section of our web site. These databases contain square dance sequences. They are in my proprietary format for my CSDS program. Information on CSDS may be found at

    Within the Choreography Database, you can view sequences then use standard cut+paste operations to copy the sequences to your favorite text editor or word processor. The 'print' button in the upper R-H corner of the web page reformats the page for printing by removing a lot of unneeded stuff. You can also format an individual sequence for printing (on a single page) by clicking on the 'full page' link beneath the sequence.

    Licensing and copyrights
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    Licensing question on your choreography database. I cannot find any mention in the sequences or sequence submission form regarding allowed use of choreography published on this web site. I have been creating a new application for square dancing, and got a start with data that includes 37 modules from this database. Where an author is known, I gave credit in the module's notes. Do I need to remove these modules? Get permission from each author? What about sequences without an author given? Is everything here public domain, or copyright yet freely redistributable? I obviously wish to make use of these sequences to "seed" my system for beginners, but without stepping on any legal toes.

    There's no licensing for square dance choreography, and none is copyrighted (to my knowledge). Giving credit to the author is much appreciated.

    last modified: 06-August-2017   
    My name isn't in the list of callers
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    Yesterday I submitted some choreography to your data base and now my name has been deleted from the caller list. And so anymore choreography that I submit gets identified by "anonymous". I've tried "refreshing" and nothing seems to correct this. It seems like an old problem still unresolved. Any ideas?

    It's because you modified your Caller/Cuer Profile, which marks you as 'not validated', which causes your name not to be listed in the dropdown list for the Choreography Database.

    I have validated your Caller Profile, so you should now be able to add choreography.

    last modified: 29-April-2020   
    My own sequence database
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    I am a square dance caller looking to reinvent the wheel. Sorta.

    I've got a lot of choreo that I'd like to put into a database and make searchable. Some of it, like singing calls, I plan on putting on your web site and sharing with the world. Other sequences I want to keep for myself.

    Anyway, what I'd like to do is make it searchable, but my knowledge of databases is limited. (I am working on it little by little.) What I am wondering is how you have your tables set up. I want to get started in the right direction so that I don't have to redo much (if any) work. Do you have a fixed size for each sequence, or do you relate each entry back to a sequence key?

    Our entire web-database is defined at

    Minimally, for a sequence database, you'll need the following:

    CREATE TABLE SequenceDb
      (SequenceText   blob, 
       SequenceType   int,
       RecordId       int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY)

    • SequenceText is the sequence itself. Blob means that the field contains as many characters as you'd like.
    • SequenceType can be used to hold some information about the type of the sequence.
    • RecordId is a number that uniquely identifies the sequences.
    You can then do searches such as

    SELECT * FROM SequenceDb WHERE SequenceText LIKE '%Ping Pong%'

    My sequence database is currently defined as:

      (CheckedByVdc     int, 
       LevelValidated   int,  // 0 = false, 1 = true
       SeqTypeInd       int, 
       Text             blob,
       SubmittedBy      int,  // Index into 'callerdb' where 0 = anonymous
       LevelInd         int, 
       Comments         blob,
       HandleList       varchar(255),  // stored with a comma on both ends (e.g., ",9,122,2124,")
       DifficultyInd    int,
       ModDateTime      datetime, 
       CreateDateTime   datetime,
       RecordId         int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY)

    • CheckedByVdc indicates that the record has been proofread. (i.e., I have verified that the sequence works).
    • LevelValidated indicates that I have verified the level of the sequence.
    • SeqTypeInd indicates the type of the sequence. (e.g., Zero-Line to Resolve, etc.)
    • Text is the sequence text.
    • SubmittedBy indicates who submitted the sequence to the database.
    • LevelInd is the level of the sequence.
    • Comments is additional text associated with the sequence.
    • HandleList is a list of parse handles used by CSDS, so I can do database searches for calls and concepts without using text.
    • DifficultyInd indicates the difficulty of the sequence.
    • ModDateTime indicates the date and time that the sequence was last modified.
    • CreateDateTime indicates the date and time that the sequence was added to the database.
    • RecordId is a number that uniquely identifes the sequence within the database.
    Our database runs under MySQL, a freeware database product. The SQL statements given above should work (perhaps with minor tweaking) in almost any database.

    Not approved
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    I see that none of the recent choreography I sent you was approved (although my dancers tell me the ideas are starting to show up in other callers presentations). Is there something I can do get them approved?

    Verifying items within the choreography database is low on my list of things to do, as such it can be several months before I get around to doing it.

    Also, due to the enormous size of the database, the primary views (from the menu) are pre-generated, and only modified after I proofread several records. For example, on the 'SS to ZL' page, you'll notice in the upper R-H corner the 'last updated' date.

    last modified: 30-June-2010   
    Stuck at Submitted By and PIN
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    I tried to put a singing call figure onto the choreo database but could not get past the "Submitted By" or the "Pin Number"

    Do I have to be a member of Callerlab to be able to participate?

    Choreography can be entered anonymously by leaving the last 2 fields blank (Submitted By, and PIN). If you'd like your name associated with the sequences, you need a caller/cuer profile within our Caller and Cuer Database. A profile may be entered via

    Then, when entering choreography, select your name from the dropdown list (Submitted By), and enter the PIN that you entered when creating your Caller/Cuer Profile.

    last modified: 03-December-2007   
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    It's me to bother you again. I started a small C1 group in late September 2012 and I rely heavily on your choreography data base for interesting choreography and how to get the dancers into and out of formations. I am getting ready to teach the T-Bone formation and I am not finding it listed in the data base. What is the reason for that? Is it simply because no one has submitted any choreography with T-Bone formation in it or am I just missing something?

    The reason is that T-Bone is not a call nor concept, it just means that some dancers are at right-angles to others.

    There is no current way to 'find' such sequences in the choreography database.

    last modified: 24-May-2013   

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28-March-2025 14:17:40
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