Caitlyn's Pokémon Card Collection
Caitlyn's Pokémon Card Collection
CardSet=Boundaries Crossed Boundaries Crossed


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Energy  Pokémon  Supporter  Trainer 

 Energy Top of page Bottom of page
Fire Energy  Energy
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 0 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2011   Quantity = 7  
Lightning Energy  Energy
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 0 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2011   Quantity = 3  
Water Energy  Energy
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 0 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2011   Quantity = 16  

 Pokémon Top of page Bottom of page
Audino  Pokémon
Character = Audino   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 126 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Mitsuhiro Arita   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
Using the feelers on its ears, it can tell how someone is feeling or when an egg might hatch.
Audino (Reverse Holo)  Pokémon   Reverse Holographic
Character = Audino   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 126 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Mitsuhiro Arita   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
Using the feelers on its ears, it can tell how someone is feeling or when an egg might hatch.
Bellossom  Pokémon
Character = Bellossom   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 4 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Mizue   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 110   Weakness = Fire x2   Resistance = Water -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open.
Black Kyurem  Pokémon
Character = Kyurem   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 100 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Dragon x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
This legendary ice Pokémon waits for a hero to fill in the missing parts of its body with truth or ideals.
Black Kyurem (Holographic)  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Kyurem   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 100 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Dragon x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
This legendary ice Pokémon waits for a hero to fill in the missing parts of its body with truth or ideals.
Blastoise  Pokémon
Character = Blastoise   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 31 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Satoshi Shirai   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 140   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 4   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 2  
The jets of water it spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel.
Blitzle  Pokémon
Character = Blitzle   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 56 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Midori Harada   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 2  
Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use the frequency and rhythm of these flashes to communicate.
Buneary  Pokémon
Character = Buneary   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 116 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = MAHOU   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
By extending its rolled-up ears and striking the ground, it can bound so high it surprises itself.
Camerupt  Pokémon
Character = Camerupt   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 22 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Akira Komayama   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 4   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
The volcanoes on its back have a major eruption every 10 years - or whenever it becomes really angry.
Charizard  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Charizard   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 20 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = hatachu   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 160   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It is said that Charizard's fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles.
Charmander  Pokémon
Character = Charmander   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 18 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Akira Komayama   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
The fire on the tip of its tail is a measure of its life. If healthy, its tail burns intensely.
Charmeleon  Pokémon
Character = Charmeleon   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 19 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
In the rocky mountains where Charmeleon live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars.
Chinchou  Pokémon
Character = Chinchou   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 55 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
It discharges positive and negative electricity from its antenna tips to shock its foes.
Croagunk  Pokémon
Character = Croagunk   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 64 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Psychic x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
It rarely fights fairly, but that is strictly to ensure survival. It is popular as a mascot.
Croagunk  Pokémon
Character = Croagunk   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 65 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = MAHOU   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Psychic x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
Inflating its poison sacs, it fills the area with an odd sound and hits flinching opponents with a poison jab.
Cryogonal  Pokémon
Character = Cryogonal   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 46 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 2  
They are born in snow clouds. They use chains made of ice crystals to capture prey.
Darmanitan  Pokémon
Character = Darmanitan   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 28 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = kawayoo   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 110   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 2  
When one is injured in a fierce battle, it hardens into a stone-like form. Then it meditates and sharpens its mind.
Darumaka  Pokémon
Character = Darumaka   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 27 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Aya Kusube   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 3  
When it sleeps, it pulls its limbs into its body and its internal fire goes down to 1,100°F.
Delcatty  Pokémon
Character = Delcatty   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 114 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Shin Nagasawa   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 3  
The reason it does not have a nest is that it simply searches for a clean, comfortable place then sleeps there.
Delibird  Pokémon
Character = Delibird   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 38 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Sumiyoshi Kizuki   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 3  
It carries food all day long. When someone is lost in the mountains, it shares that food.
Dewott  Pokémon
Character = Dewott   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 40 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = match   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 2  
Strict training is how it learns its flowing double-scalchop technique.
Ducklett  Pokémon
Character = Ducklett   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 42 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance = Fighting -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
They are better at swimming than flying, and they happily eat their favorite food, peat moss, as they dive underwater.
Ducklett (Reverse Holo)  Pokémon   Reverse Holographic
Character = Ducklett   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 42 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance = Fighting -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
They are better at swimming than flying, and they happily eat their favorite food, peat moss, as they dive underwater.
Dunsparce  Pokémon
Character = Dunsparce   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 111 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 0   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 3  
It creates mazes in dark locations. When spotted, it flees into the ground by digging with its tail.
Dwebble  Pokémon
Character = Dwebble   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 84 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Midori Harada   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
When it finds a stone of a suitable size, it secretes a liquid from its mouth to open up a hole to crawl into.
Dwebble (Reverse Holo)  Pokémon   Reverse Holographic
Character = Dwebble   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 84 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Midori Harada   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
When it finds a stone of a suitable size, it secretes a liquid from its mouth to open up a hole to crawl into.
Electabuzz  Pokémon
Character = Electabuzz   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 53 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Shigenori Negishi   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
Research is progressing on storing lightning in Electabuzz so this energy can be used at any time.
Electivire  Pokémon
Character = Electivire   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 54 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = BERUBURI   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 120   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
The instant it presses the tips of its tails onto an opponent, it sends over 20,000 volts of electricity into the foe.
Electrode  Pokémon
Character = Electrode   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 52 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 0   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity.
Frillish  Pokémon
Character = Frillish   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 44 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Miki Tanaka   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
If its veil-like arms stun and wrap a foe, that foe will be dragged miles below the surface, never to return.
Golduck  Pokémon
Character = Golduck   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 34 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = match   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 0   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It is seen swimming dynamically and elegantly using its well-developed limbs and flippers.
Herdier  Pokémon
Character = Herdier   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 121 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
This very loyal Pokémon helps Trainers, and it also takes care of other Pokémon.
Jellicent  Pokémon
Character = Jellicent   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 45 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 100   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
Its body is mostly seawater. It's said there's a castle of ships Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor.
Keldeo  Pokémon
Character = Keldeo   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 48 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Naoki Saito   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
By blasting water from its hooves, it can glide across water. It excels at using leg moves while battling.
Keldeo EX  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Keldeo   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 49 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Toyste Beach   Rarity = Rare EX   HP Value = 170   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
Lilligant  Pokémon
Character = Lilligant   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 17 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kanako Eo   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fire x2   Resistance = Water -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 3  
The fragrance of the garland on its head has a relaxing effect, but taking care of it is very difficult.
Lillipup  Pokémon
Character = Lillipup   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 120 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 2  
Though it is a very brave Pokémon, it's also smart enough to check its foe's strength and avoid battle.
Lopunny  Pokémon
Character = Lopunny   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 117 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = TOKIYA   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
Extremely cautious, it quickly bounds off when it senses danger.
Makuhita  Pokémon
Character = Makuhita   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 82 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Psychic x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest.
Mandibuzz  Pokémon
Character = Mandibuzz   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 93 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Naoki Saito   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance = Fighting -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
It makes a nest out of bones it finds. It grabs weakened prey in its talons and hauls it to its nest of bones.
Marill  Pokémon
Character = Marill   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 36 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Mizue   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
The oil-filled tail functions as a buoy, so it's fine even in rivers with strong currents.
Mienfoo  Pokémon
Character = Mienfoo   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 87 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Psychic x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 2  
It takes pride in the speed at which it can use moves. What it loses in power, it makes up for in quantity.
Mienshao  Pokémon
Character = Mienshao   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 88 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Psychic x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
Using the long fur on its arms like whips, it launches into combo attacks that, once started, no one can stop.
Musharna  Pokémon
Character = Musharna   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 69 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Satoshi Shirai   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 100   Weakness = Psychic x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
The dream mist coming from its forehead changes into many different colors depending on the dream that was eaten.
Numel  Pokémon
Character = Numel   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 21 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = match   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 2  
The magma in its body reaches 2,200 degrees F. Its hump gets smaller when it uses Fire-type moves.
Oshawott  Pokémon
Character = Oshawott   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 39 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = match   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 3  
It fights using the scalchop on its stomach. In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately by slashing.
Pikachu  Pokémon
Character = Pikachu   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 50 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
Psyduck  Pokémon
Character = Psyduck   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 32 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = match   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
Overwhelmed by enigmatic abilities, it suffers a constant headache. It sometimes uses mysterious powers.
Psyduck  Pokémon
Character = Psyduck   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 33 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
When headaches stimulate its brain cells, which are usually inactive, it can use a mysterious power.
Purrloin  Pokémon
Character = Purrloin   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 90 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Akira Komayama   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance = Psychic -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 3  
Their cute act is a ruse. They trick people and steal their valuables just to see the looks on their faces.
Raticate  Pokémon
Character = Raticate   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 105 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Naoki Saito   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 0   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
With its long fangs, this surprisingly violent Pokémon can gnaw away even thick concrete with ease.
Samurott  Pokémon
Character = Samurott   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 41 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = match   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 140   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of them quiets everybody.
Sandshrew  Pokémon
Character = Sandshrew   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 78 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Naoki Saito   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It digs deep burrows to live in. When in danger, it rolls up its body to withstand attacks.
Scyther  Pokémon
Character = Scyther   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 7 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = kawayoo   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fire x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
The sharp scythes on its forearms become increasingly sharp by cutting through hard objects.
Skarmory  Pokémon
Character = Skarmory   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 96 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Hajime Kusajima   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 100   Weakness = Fire x2   Resistance = Poison -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
Its heavy-looking iron body is actually thin and light, so it can fly at speeds over 180 mph.
Skitty  Pokémon
Character = Skitty   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 113 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = sui   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 2  
It shows its cute side by chasing its own tail until it gets dizzy.
Snorlax  Pokémon
Character = Snorlax   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 109 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 100   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 4   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 3  
When its belly is full, it becomes too lethargic to even lift a finger, so it is safe to bounce on its belly.
Spoink  Pokémon
Character = Spoink   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 59 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Sumiyoshi Kizuki   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Psychic x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
Using its tail like a spring, it keeps its heart beating by bouncing constantly. If it stops, it dies.
Squirtle  Pokémon
Character = Squirtle   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 29 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kanako Eo   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 2  
It shelters itself in its shell then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity.
Tangela  Pokémon
Character = Tangela   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 5 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = MAHOU   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fire x2   Resistance = Water -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
Many writhing vines cover it, so its true identity remains unknown. The blue vines grow its whole life long.
Trapinch  Pokémon
Character = Trapinch   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 83 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kyoko Umemoto   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
It makes an inescapable conical pit and lies in wait at the bottom for prey to come tumbling down.
Unfezant  Pokémon
Character = Unfezant   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 125 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Hajime Kusajima   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Lightning x2   Resistance = Fighting -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
Males swing the plumage on their heads to threaten others, but females are better at flying.
Venipede  Pokémon
Character = Venipede   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 72 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Shigenori Negishi   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Psychic x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 2  
Using the feelers on its head and tail, it picks up vibrations in the air to determine its prey's location and state.
Victini  Pokémon
Character = Victini   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 23 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Water x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
It creates an unlimited supply of energy inside its body, which it shares with those who touch it.
Voltorb  Pokémon
Character = Voltorb   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 51 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It looks just like a Poké Ball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on contact.
Wartortle  Pokémon
Character = Wartortle   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 30 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Mizue   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 2  
It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is popular as a symbol of longevity.
Whimsicott  Pokémon
Character = Whimsicott   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 15 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fire x2   Resistance = Water -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
They appear along with whirlwinds. They pull pranks, such as moving furniture and leaving balls of cotton in homes.
White Kyurem (comments)  Pokémon
Character = Kyurem   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 102 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Dragon x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 2  
This legendary ice Pokémon waits for a hero to fill in the missing parts of its body with truth or ideals.
White Kyurem (Holographic)  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Kyurem   Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 102 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Dragon x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Unova   Quantity = 1  
This legendary ice Pokémon waits for a hero to fill in the missing parts of its body with truth or ideals.

 Supporter Top of page Bottom of page
Hugh  Supporter
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 130 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Yusuke Ohmura   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 2  
Skyla  Supporter
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 134 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Yusuke Ohmura   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 2  

 Trainer Top of page Bottom of page
Energy Search  Trainer
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 128 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ryo Ueda   Rarity = Common   Quantity = 3  
Great Ball  Trainer
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 129 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 3  
Potion  Trainer
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 132 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ayaka Yoshida   Rarity = Common   Quantity = 2  
Potion (Reverse Holo)  Trainer   Reverse Holographic
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 132 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ayaka Yoshida   Rarity = Common   Quantity = 1  
Switch  Trainer
Card Set = Boundaries Crossed   Card # in Set = 135 / 149   Country = USA   Year = 2012   Illustrator = Ayaka Yoshida   Rarity = Common   Quantity = 1 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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