Do an allemande left in the alamo style, balance there you go now
Swing thru, two by two, balance, again
Swing thru, two by two, boys run right there
Partner trade, allemande left, weave around that ring
It's all I can do to keep from falling in love with you
Dosado and then you promenade, too
It's all I can do to keep from falling in love with you
All I can do to keep from telling you so
FIGURE Basic, unknown progression
1 & 3 (2 & 4) promenade go halfway around there
Down the middle, star thru, pass thru and then
Circle up four with the outside two, break to a line of four now
Pass thru, wheel & deal, double pass thru
Lead dancers partner trade, swing the corner baby round there
Allemande left new corner, promenade 'em you do
It's all I can do to keep from falling in love with you
All I can do to keep from letting it show