Sides face grand square
*If they could see me now, that little gang of mine
I'm eating fancy chow and drinking fancy wine
I'd like those stumble bums to see for a fact
The kind of top drawer, first rate chums I attract
Four ladies promenade, come on and strut your stuff
Swing that lady round and promenade that ring
Oh, what a set up, holy cow, they'd never believe it
If my friends could see me now
*If they could see me now, my little dusty group
I'm traipsin' round this million dollar chicken coop
I'd hear those thrift shop cats say "Brother get her"
Draped on a bedspread made from three kinds of fur
*If they could see me now, alone with Mister V.
Who's waitin' on me like he was a Maitre D'
I hear my buddies saying "Crazy, what give?
Tonight she's living like the other half lives."
FIGURE Basic, corner progression
Head (side) couples promenade, go halfway round that ring
Down the middle, right & left thru and turn the girl
Flutter wheel, sweep 1/4, pass thru
Do the right & left thru, veer left, ferris wheel
Centers pass thru, swing the lady, promenade
What a set up, holy cow, they'd never believe it
If my friends could see me now
If my friends could see me now