Join your hands and make a ring, and circle to the left like
(Then) allemande left and promenade your own
While the first and third (second and fourth), you wheel
right around,
With a right and left thru the couple you found
Turn your girl and do a cross trail thru
Allemande left your corner, dosado your own,
Then Allemande left just once again and promenade your own
Walk along with your pretty baby, hurry up and swing then maybe
I could always be alone with you
FIGURE A1, corner progression
1 & 3 (2 & 4), go up and back
A full square thru go 'round that track
Then face the sides (heads) and do a right & left thru
Turn your girl and dive thru, box the gnat and face the middle
Cross trail thru and swing that corner girl
Now the four little ladies star by the left, it's once around you roam
Same little girl, you box the gnat, and promenade her home
Walk along with your pretty baby, hurry up and swing then maybe
I could always be alone with you