Circle left
Wake up little Suzie, wake up
Wake up little Suzie, wake up
Boys star by the right, one time around tonight
Do an allemande left the corner girl, weave around you know
What-a-we gonna tell your paw
Swing that lady round, you swing her around and promenade and
Sing ooh la-la, wake up little Suzie
Wake up little Suzie
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Heads (Sides) square thru 4, dosado
Swing thru come a two by ten
Spin the top my friend
Boys move up, right & left thru
Square thru 3/4
Swing your corner girl, promenade around the world
What-a-we tell our friends when they say ooh la-la
Wake up little Suzie, wake up little Suzie
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Heads (sides) promenade half
Walk in do a right & left thru
Square thru 4
Dosado that lady
Swing thru, boys trade, turn thru
Allemande that corner, come back and promenade
What-a-we tell our friends when they say ooh la-la
Wake up little Suzie, wake up little Suzie