Kenny Price 1970
  (Mustang 140)   Larry Jack
one column

OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER    Mainstream - SSD Week 11

You allemande that corner, come back a dosado
Promenade your lady, go walkin round you go
1 & 3 gonna wheel around, go right & left thru and then
Slide thru, box the gnat and do the right & left grand
She begged me not to leave her, until I nearly stayed
Dosado, left allemande, go back and promenade
There wasn't nothing wrong with her loving
She just ain't got what they got down in Biloxi

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 8, corner progression

1 & 3 (2 & 4) square thru four hands around you go
Dosado the corner, go full around you know
Swing thru, girls turn back, and then wheel & deal
Go right & left thru, turn the girl and then star thru
Now square thru 3/4, corner lady swing
Swing the girl around, and promenade that ring
I think a chunk of heaven
Must a fell down on this spot they call Biloxi


Ain't nothing against the other states
They just ain't got what they got down in Biloxi

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