Four ladies chain you turn 'em and then
Four ladies chain back again
Join hands and circle left, walking hand in hand
Allemande left the corner, do the right & left grand
On this island of wild men, there must be wild women
Dosado your gal and promenade
And what did Robinson Crusoe do
With Friday on a Saturday night?
FIGURE Mainstream, unknown progression
Heads you promenade 3/4 around the ring, others wheel around
Two ladies chain, you turn 'em and then
Two ladies chain, right back again
Pass to the center, new centers square thru 3
Swing your corner lady and promenade
And what did Robinson Crusoe do
With Friday on a Saturday night?
FIGURE (ALTERNATE) Mainstream, corner progression
Heads you promenade go halfway around the ring
Lead right and do a dosado
Two ladies chain, you turn 'em and then
You all pass thru, do an allemande left
Then turn thru, find the corner
Swing this lady and promenade
And what did Robinson Crusoe do
With Friday on a Saturday night?
Draw your own conclusions
With Friday on a Saturday night?