Bicentennial Medley
  (Scope 601)   Ted Wegener, Jeanne Moody, Don Pfister, Clyde Drivere, Dick Hoffman
two columns


Head two ladies flutter wheel straight across you go
Side two ladies flutter wheel you know
All four ladies flutter wheel across the ring and then
Join hands, circle left go walking around
Go around the land my friend
Allemande left the corner, grand right & left you go
Meet your little girl and promenade
Go home, swing everybody, swing
*And keep your eye on the grand old flag


*The truth goes marching on

*Should old acquaintance be forgot
Keep your eye on the grand old flag

FIGURE (1)    C4, corner progression

Heads promenade go about halfway
Come down the middle do a little dosado
You curlique my friend, the boys run right and then
Square thru 3/4 around you go, trade by
Swing the corner girl, left allemande
Dosado, then you promenade (everybody sing)
Should old acquaintance be forgot
Keep your eye on the grand old flag

FIGURE (2)    C4, corner progression

Head two couples promenade go halfway around
Down the middle, square thru 4 hands around and then
Swing thru with outside two, boys run around the girls
Wheel & deal, then sweep 1/4 more
Swing star thru, trade by and now
Swing the corner lady, promenade go around (sing)
Glory, glory, hallelujah
As we go marching on

FIGURE (3)   

2 & 4 lead to the right, circle up 4 you do
Line of four go up and back, do a right & left thru
Star thru, pass thru, chase right you do
Boys run right you know, then a right & left thru
Pass thru and swing that corner standing over there
Allemande new corner then you promenade the square
Yankee doodle keep it up, yankee doodle dandy
Promenade around the square and with the girls be handy


My country 'tis of thee
Keep your eye on the grand old flag

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Cue sheet: