Better Class Of Loser Randy Travis 1991 | (Rockin' M 107) Wayne Morvent |
Four ladies promenade, go walking around now
Get home, swing the man and then
Join hands circle, go walking around now
Left allemande, weave that ring
I'm goin' back to a better class of loser
Swing that girl around and promenade
You think it's disgraceful, they square dance all the time
But a better class of loser suits me fine
FIGURE Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression
Head (side) couples promenade, go halfway around now
Walk in and square thru go four
Go all the way, star thru and then
You pass thru, partner trade and go, square thru
Four hands around the ring, you trade by and swing
Swing that corner girl and promenade
You think it's disgraceful that they square dance all the time
But a better class of loser suits me fine
A better class of loser suits me fine
Figure contains a Heads Square Thru 4 followed by Star Thru, causing the Head Lady to use the L-H twice in a row