Jelly Roll
  (Rockin' M 122)   Wayne Morvent
two columns

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
I ain't gonna give you none of my sweet jelly roll
I wouldn't give you a piece of cake for to save your soul
Momma told me today, just before she went away
Be a good boy, buy me a toy, I'm my momma's little pride and joy

Four ladies promenade go once around
Swing that man around and promenade
This jelly roll, baby of mine, is more than simply fine
I know you want it, but you ain't gonna get
None of my sweet jelly roll

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Heads square thru 4 hands around you do
Find the corner, do a dosado
Swing thru tonight, spin the top alright
Boys move up, pass thru, bend the line is what you do
Square thru and go, 3/4 round
Swing that girl around and promenade
This jelly roll, baby of mine, is more than simply fine
I know you want it, but you ain't gonna get
None of my sweet jelly roll


Circle left
I ain't gonna give you none of my sweet jelly roll
I wouldn't give you a piece of cake for to save your soul

Men star by the right, one time around tonight
Allemande left with the corner girl, gonna weave on around the world
There ain't no use for you to keep on hanging round
Swing the girl around and promenade
This jelly roll, baby of mine, is more than simply fine
I know you want it, but you ain't gonna get
None of my sweet jelly roll

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