OPENER Basic - SSD Week 4
Sides face grand square
Well I got a crow I want to pick with you
Just like last time when the feathers flew
You runnin' wild, a-kicking up your heels
Leaving me at home with a handful of bills
Do an allemande left, dosado
Left allemande, promenade 'em on home
Tell me why baby, why baby, why baby why
You make me cry baby, cry baby, cry baby cry
FIGURE Basic, corner progression
Head (side) couples promenade go halfway around
Walk in to the middle and square thru 4 hands around
Go all the way and then get a right & left thru
You veer to the left and ferris wheel you do
Square thru and get me 3/4 go round
Swing your corner lady, promenade her on home
I can't help but love you till the day that I die
So tell me why baby, why baby, why baby why
Four ladies promenade and get one time around
Get back home, swing the man around and around
Join hands, circle to the left walking round and then
Do an allemande left that corner and weave that old ring
Tell me why baby, why baby, why baby why
Swing that baby round and promenade back home
Tell me why baby, why baby, why baby why
You make me cry baby, cry baby, cry baby cry
Tell me why baby, why baby, why baby why