Now circle left with Rosalie, my darling
Rosalie my own
Allemande your corner and you'll docey your own
Now gents star left and one time you roam
Turn your partner right and corner allemande
Come back and promenade that land
And you can make my life thrillin'
Just tell me that you're willin'
To be mine, Rosalie mine*
FIGURE Basic - SSD Week 11, corner progression
And those head (side) ladies chain, you turn 'em and then
Go half square thru and a right & left thru again
Now, swing thru and then box the gnat
And then let's all right & left thru the other way back
Docey round your girl, now pass her by
Swing, swing the next and promenade
Oh, you can make my life thrillin'
Just tell me that you're willin'
To be mine, Rosalie mine
TAG (*Last time through omit this line and add tag)
To be mine, Rosalie
Swing, swing Rosalie
Mine, Rosalie mine