OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER Basic, R-H lady progression
Well now you'll
Allemande left your corner, like an allemande thar
Go right & left and the boys back up and make a star
Shoot that star, do a right & left grand
Around the ring with you
When you meet that brand new girl, turn back two
Go left and right and box the gnat
Same girl dosado
Allemande left the corner girl
Come back and promeno
Go all the way around the ring
Take the lady back home again
You're dancing to the Dixieland Swing
FIGURE C4, corner progression
Well now the
Heads go up and back, out to the right and circle four
Break right out and make a line
Go up and back once more
Pass thru and wheel across, star thru you do
Dosado go all the way around
Make an ocean wave and then
You'll double swing thru
Count four hands along the line
Go one-two-three-four, balance keep in time
Pass thru and the corner swing
Promenade around the ring
You're dancing to the Dixieland Swing
(Wheel Across: Line facing out. Starts like a
Wheel & Deal but instead of wheeling into a Double
Pass Thru position, the left hand couple wheels
around the right hand couple to form a line of four
facing in.)
(Double Swing Thru: Follows same pattern as Swing Thru
done twice without balance between.)