Join hands and circle left go round
Walk all the way round the corner, see saw the one you found
The men star by the right, go once around that ring
Do an allemande left with the corner, weave the ring
There'll always be that one
Swing your girl and promenade
You may love a dozen but matter it doesn't
For there will always be that one
FIGURE Plus - SSD Week 8, corner progression
Now the head (side) two couples square thru four hands around you go
All the way round to the corner, single circle to an ocean wave
Now the boys trade and the boys run, wheel & deal and go
Then a right & left thru and turn the girl and then, dive thru
Square thru 3/4 round and the corner lady swing
Swing that girl and promenade
Of one you'll be fonder and in your mind you'll wonder
What life would be like with that one