OPENER Basic - SSD Week 4
Sides face grand square
When it's been that kind of day, baby
When everything is not what it should be
Everybody's had their say
Let's just say (today is history)
Allemande left and you weave
And keep keeping the faith
Swing your girl and promenade
Every day we're keeping the faith
Keep keeping the faith, don't give it away
FIGURE Basic - SSD Week 8, corner progression
Heads you square thru 4 hands around now
Go all the way, you do a dosado
Swing thru there, boys you trade now
Boys run right and bend the line that ol' way
Square thru you can go 3 hands around
Swing your girl and promenade
We're keeping the faith
Keep keeping the faith, don't give it away
Sides face grand square
All the style, all the money
All the power you can buy
Won't do nothing
If there's something missing way (down deep inside)
Allemande left and you weave
Keep keeping the faith
Swing your girl and promenade
Every day we'll be keeping the faith
Keep keeping the faith, don't give it away