First and third you half sashay, up to the center and back that way
Pass thru, split the ring, go round one and hear me sing
Into the center and box the gnat, right & left thru the other way back
Turn your girl and pass thru, around one, here's what you do
Home you go now box the flea, and everybody swing and listen to me
Four gents left hand star around, pass your own when you come round
Promenade the right hand girl, take her home go round the world
Swing at home and don't you drag, round and round to the Johnson Rag
All join hands and make a big ring, circle left like everything
Reverse back in single file, form a wheel and spin it awhile
Gents reach back with your right hand, pull her through and let her stand
Swing the new corner round and round, put her on the right when you come down
Allemande left and allemande thar, go right & left gents form a star
Back up boys as pretty as you can, shoot the star go right & left grand
Hand over hand till you meet your maid, take her hand and you promenade
Promenade and don't you drag, let's swing 'em all to the Johnson Rag
Figure Explanation: 1 & 3 pass thru, split ring around one, come into center box the gnat, then do a right & left thru and pivot your girl, pass back thru into center split ring with outside four go round one, go home box flea with partner, then swing her. Gents left hand star once around pass partner and promenade right hand girl.
Middle Break Explanation:
Form a single file back make a left hand star all eight, gents reach back over right shoulder and pull corner through and put her on his right, then swing new corner put her on your right then allemande left new corner, do an allemande thar, when you shoot star, go right & left grand with partner.