Walk all around the corner, Joe
Come home and swing that gal you know
The men star left go once around the ring
Turn partner right, a wrong way thar
Boys back into the middle and star
Walk along backward, boys, now shoot that star
Do an allemande left and a right & left grand
Hand over hand till you meet your girl
When you meet that Southern belle just promenade
*Promenade to Alabamy
I want you to meet my dear old Mammy
She's cookin' eggs and fryin' hammy
And that's what I like about the South
FIGURE A1, corner progression
The head (side) two couples promenade
Halfway round go with your maid
Come down the middle and do a little dosado
Go all the way round, then cross trail thru
Go round one, make a line of four
It's up to the middle and back once more
Star thru and then dive thru
Square thru 3/4 round
Swing that corner girl and promenade
**She's got baked ribs and candied yams
Those sugar cured Virginia hams
Basement full of those berry jams
And that's what I like about the South
**She's got back bones and buttered beans
Ham hocks and turnip greens
Let's get on down to New Orleans
'Cause that's what I like about the South
**Now every time I pass your door
You act like you don't want me no more
Why don't you give me a great big smile
And I'll come and dance with you awhile
**Promenade to Doo Wa Ditty
It ain't a town and it ain't a city
It's awful small but might pretty
That's what I like about the South