OPENER Basic - SSD Week 1
Circle left
*Purple light in the canyon
That is where I long to be
Left allemande, turn partner right hand
Girls will promenade around the ring you see
You turn thru, boys promenade, go inside
Come back, swing and promenade you see
With my three good companions
My rifle, my pony and me
*I'm gonna hang my sombrero
From the limb of a tree
FIGURE Plus, corner progression
Heads square thru to Amarillo
You meet your corner, swing thru and go
Now acey deucey, linear cycle
Move around the ring you know
Pass the ocean and then you turn thru
Swing your corner, promenade
I'm coming home 'sweet my darling'
My rifle, my pony and me
CLOSER Basic - SSD Week 4
Sides face grand square
Whipporwill in the willow
Sings a sweet melody
Riding to Amarillo
Just my rifle, my pony and me
Circle left
No more cows to be ropin'
No more strays will I see (Allemande, promenade)
Around the bend she'll be waiting
For my rifle...
Chain the girls across and back
My pony and me
My pony and me