Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl
Will Fyffe 1929
  (GR8 Trax 014)   Jim Buckingham
two columns

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
A fine wee lass, a bonnie wee lass, is bonnie wee Jeannie Mc Coll;
I gave her my mother's engagement ring and a bonnie wee tartan shawl

The men you star by the right and roll it one time around you know
Allemande left the corner then you weave around the ring you go
You wind it in and out until you see a pretty girl
Swing and whirl hang onto your kilt and promenade the world
I met her at a waddin' at the Co-operative Hall
I was the best man and she was the belle of the ball

FIGURE    Mainstream, R-H lady progression

The Heads (Sides) you square thru 4 hands around the ring you go
Go all the way, you step to a wave
A spin chain thru
The girls you circulate and go 2 times around for me
And when you meet the man well you turn thru and
Allemande left, and then you walk by one
The next man there you swing
Keep this man promenade a walking round the ring
I met her at a waddin' at the Co-operative Hall
I was the best man and she was the belle of the ball


Four boys (girls) you promenade one time around the ring you go
You get back home and swing the girl (boy) go round and round you know
You join your hands and circle to the left around awhile
Allemande left the corner then you weave around the ring you go
A fine wee lass, a bonnie wee lass
Is bonnie wee Jeannie Mc Coll

Swing and whirl the pretty girl and promenade the floor
I met her at a waddin' at the Co-operative Hall
I was the best man and she was the belle of the ball


I was the best man and she was the belle of the ball

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