Proud Of You Jay Justin; Graeme Jensen 1963 | (GR8 Trax 025) Jim Buckingham |
OPENER Basic - SSD Week 1
Circle left
I walk along my head held high
I walk along my heart above the sky
Left allemande and dosado your own
Left allemande and weave around you go
I touch your hand and hold you close to me
You're by my side for all the world to see
Because it's true oh, oh so true
That I'm proud so very proud of you
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Heads (Sides) promenade halfway I say
Sides (Heads) right & left thru and back away
Heads (Sides) square thru 4 hands you know
Dosado and do an eight chain 4
I walk along without a care
I walk along you're with me everywhere
Swing, promenade
Because it's true oh, oh so true
That I'm proud so very proud of you
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Heads (Sides) square thru from where you are
And with Sides (Heads) make a right hand star and turn it go
The Heads (Sides) star left one time you do
To the same 2 right & left thru
Swing thru and let the boy run right
Half tag, scoot back
Swing and promenade
Because it's true oh, oh so true
That I'm proud so very proud of you
Sides face grand square
Just to know that you love me
Makes me feel ten feet tall
And to know that you want me
Is the wonder of them all
Circle left
I walk along without a care
I walk along
Left allemande come back and promenade
Because it's true Oh, oh so true so true
That I'm proud so very proud of you
That I'm proud so very proud of youooooooo