Allemande left and allemande thar, go forward 2 and star
Wheel in and you go that allemande thar
Shoot that star, full turn around, right to the corner, pull on by
Left allemande and weave that ring
So who's been eating from my table
Dosado and then you promenade
Who's been sitting in my favorite chair
Who's been dancing around with Mama Bear
FIGURE Basic, corner progression
Head couples promenade about halfway round you are gonna go
Down the middle, do the right and left thru
Square thru 4 hands, 4 hands you're gonna go
Do the right and left thru, turn your girl
Dive thru, square thru 3 hands, swing the corner
Left allemande and promenade
I know Goldilocks is just a children's story
And fairy tales, they never do come true