Dance Fever | (ESP 460) Steve Kopman, Mike Hoose, Gary Shoemake |
Bow to the partner and the corner too
Allemande left like an Allemande thar, go forward 2, boys back in
Shoot that star, Go forward 2, make another thar
Shoot that star and Right & Left Grand.
Heads square thru 4, Touch 1/4, Scoot back, Boys run right,
Reverse flutter wheel, Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom,
Centers pass thru, Star thru, Pass thru, Tag the line,
Leaders u turn back, Allemande left, Promenade home.
Sides pass the ocean, Extend, Swing thru, Boys run, Bend the line,
Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Double pass thru, Centers in, Cast off 3/4,
Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Girls square thru 3, All star thru, Boys trade,
Bend the line, Right & Left thru, Pass the ocean, Swing thru,
Boys run, Chain down the line, Pass the ocean, Swing thru,
Girls circulate, Boys trade, Right & Left Grand.
Sides right & Left thru
Sides lead left, Slide thru, Right & left thru
Boys extend to a wave & swing thru, Boys back up to a girl,
Right & left thru, Rollaway half sashay
Girls extend & swing thru, Girls back up to a boy
All Pass thru, Tag the line and leaders U turn back
Swing thru, Boys run, Boys trade, Boys run, Girls trade,
Boys run, Circulate 1/2, Bend the line, Home.
4 Ladies chain
Sides flutter wheel and sweep 1/4
Everyone double pass thru, Leaders partner trade
Right & left thru, Veer left,
Couples circulate, Chain down the line
Pass thru, Wheel & deal,
Centers right & left thru with a full courtesy turn
Star thru, Pass thru, Wheel & deal
Centers right & left thru with a full turn,
Centers Square thru 3, Trade by
Left allemande, Right & Left Grand.
4 ladies chain 3/4 as the boys promenade right 1/4 and courtesy turn your original partner.
Everyone promenade 1/4, You're across from home,
4 ladies chain 3/4 as the boys promenade right 1/4 and courtesy turn your original partner.
Everyone promenade 1/4, You're Home.
Bow to the partner and the corner too.