  (ESP 465)   Darryl Lipscomb, Buddy Weaver, Joe Saltel, Tony Oxendine
two columns


Allemande left, Dosado, Men star left
Turn thru with partner
Allemande left, Square your set.

Heads lead right and veer left
Crossfire, Co ordinate, Bend the line, Pass the ocean
Spin Chain & exchange the gears, Swing thru, R&L Grand

Heads pass the ocean, Extend, Relay the deucey
Swing thru, Girls fold, Peel the top, Pass thru
Partner trade, Slide thru, Single circle to a wave
All 8 circulate, Boys run, Bend the line
Right and left thru, Slide thru, centers roll, Home.

Sides square thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow your neighbor do not spread
Left swing thru and Spread,
Boys trade, Boys run, Bend the line, Right & Left thru, Touch 1/4
Co ordinate, 3/4 tag the line
Boys swing thru, Girls trade, Boys extend, All Hinge, Girls trade
Swing thru, Girls cross run
Girls run, Bend the line, Right & left thru, Pass the ocean
Ladies trade, Hinge, Girls U turn back
Pass the ocean, Recycle
Original sides separate and star thru, Heads trade, Home.

Sides square thru 4, All right & left thru, veer left
Ferris wheel, centers veer left
Diagonal box right & left thru, Very center girls hinS

Sides right and left thru and 1/2 sashay
Star thru, Pass thru, Trade by, Pass the ocean, Grand swing thru
Boys run, Crossfire, Face your partner and Right & left grand, Promenade.

4 Ladies chain, Heads star thru & California twirl, Spin chain thru
Girls circulate 2, Boys run
Couples circulate, Bend the line, Right& left thru, Slide thru
Single circle to a wave
All 8 circulate, Right & left grand.

4 Ladies chain, Sides lead left, All veer right, Wheel around, Crossfire
Co ordinate & Spread
Boys cross run, Ladies trade, Bend the line, Right & left thru
Dixie style to a wave
Trade the wave & everyone Roll, Ladies Turn thru, Boys courtesy turn the girls
Pass the ocean
Ladies trade, All hinge, Girls U Turn back, Slide thru
Right & left thru with a half sashay, Pass thru
Do Paso, Courtesy turn, Home.

Heads square thru 4, Slide thru, All turn thru, End boys only Cross Fold
Girls step ahead to the boy
Waves of 3 right swing thru, End boy cross fold, Girls trade
Bow to the corner and whoa right there.

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