Come To The Cabaret
Jill Haworth; Liza Minnelli 1966
  (Top 25260)   Harry Tucciarone, Jr.
one column


4 little ladies chain 3/4 around
You turn and chain them straight across
Now put the ladies back to back, men you promenade outside
Get back home to the same girl and do the dopaso
What good is sitting alone in your room
Back to the corner swing and promende
Life is a cabaret old chum, come to the cabaret

FIGURE    C4, corner progression

Head (side) two couples do a right & left thru
You turn her and then
Same two go up and back and rollaway
Star thru then dosado the outside all the way
Curlique, swing half by the right
Boys run right, do a right and left thru
You turn her and then, star thru and swing the corner girl, promenade
Life is a cabaret old chum, come to the cabaret

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 11

Sides face, grand square
What good is sitting alone in your room
Come hear the music play
Life is a cabaret old chum

Come watch the 4 ladies promenade inside
You get back home, box the gnat, then a right & left grand
When you meet your girl, promenade
Life is a cabaret old chum, come to the cabaret

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