OPENER Basic - SSD Week 1
Circle left
You've got me, heart over mind
Worried all the time
Men star right one time around tonight
Allemande left the corner, weave the ring
You'll keep hurting me I know, but I just can't let you go
'Cause my heart won't let my love for you change
FIGURE (1 & 3) Mainstream, corner progression
Heads promenade go halfway
Sides right & left thru and slide thru
All double pass thru, cloverleaf
Zoom, centers pass thru
Touch 1/4, scoot back
Swing and promenade
*Then all my thoughts of leavin' do no good
*And I still hope there's some chance for us yet
FIGURE (2 & 4)
Heads (Sides face), grand square
*I love you so much that I can't leave you
Even though my mind tells me I should
Heads square thru 4
**But then you make me think you really want me
Swing, promenade
***Then all my thoughts of leavin' do no good
*Now friends tell me they see you out with others
And in my heart I try hard to forget
**But you come home and tell me you still love me
***And I still hope there's some chance for us yet
'Cause my heart won't let my love for you change