OPENER Basic - SSD Week 1
4 ladies chain straight across and go
Turn and chain her right back home again
Join your hands circle to the left go round the ring
Left allemande your corner, weave the ring
*The hardest thing I've ever done is keep believing
Swing your own and then promenade
The way that people come and go thru temporary lives
My chance could come and I might never know
*I'm wide awake at four a.m. without a friend in sight
Hanging on a hope but I'm all right
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Heads (Sides) promenade, and go halfway
Down the middle, pass the ocean then, extend
Swing thru and then, spin the top my friend
Boys move up do the right & left thru
Square thru 3 hands you go
Swing your corner and then promenade
It took a while for me to learn that nothing comes for free
The price I've paid is high enough for me
Sides face, grand square
I know I need to be in love
I know I've wasted too much time
Allemande left and weave
I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world
And fool enough to think that's what I'll find