Eruption | (ESP 479) Tom Miller, Bill Harrison |
Circle left, Allemande left, All 8 Spin the top, All 8 Spin the top again, Box the gnat with partner
Pull by, Allemande left, Right & left grand, Promenade home
Heads forward & back, Heads wheel around & promenade 1/4, Sides square thru 3, Slide thru
Pass the ocean, Swing thru, Girls fold, Peel the top, Grand swing thru, Hinge, Boys run
Reverse flutter wheel & sweep 1/4, Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Dixie Grand, Allemande left, Promenade
Sides pass the ocean, Extend, Swing thru, Acey Deucey, Girls fold, Peel off & Roll, Double Pass thru
Ladies partner trade & Roll, Girls load the boat & Roll, Boys Chase right, Boys trade & Roll, Forward & Back
Pass thru, Tag the line, Face right, Couples circulate, Girls hinge, Diamond circulate, Cut the diamond
Boys run right, Right & Left grand, Promenade
Sides lead right, Circle to a line, Left touch 1/4, Co-ordinate, Couples circulate, Boys trade, Boys run
Fan the top, Recycle, Slide thru, Left touch 1/4 & girls roll, Follow your neighbor, Diamond circulate
Boys swing thru, Cut the diamond, Bend the line, Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers square thru 3
Centers In, Cast off 3/4, Load the boat, Centers cloverleaf, Others square thru 3, Slide thru
Girls trade, Boys trade, All Circulate, Cast off 3/4, Centers trade, Pass thru, Partner trade & Roll, Right & Left grand, Promenade
Heads left square thru 4, Left touch 1/4, Follow your neighbor & Spread, Boys trade, Linear cycle & Roll
Triple scoot, Co-ordinate girls meet and do nothing, Girls hinge, Diamond circulate, Boys swing thru, Flip the diamond
Fan the top, Linear cycle & Roll, Left swing thru & Spread, Centers trade, Girls fold, Double pass thru
Face right, Ferris wheel, Centers reverse wheel around, Pass to the center, Centers Right & Left thru
Centers Slide thru, Home