Fiddlin' Around | (ESP 483) Darryl Lipscomb, Ken Bower, Tony Oxendine |
Hey you're gonna bow to the partner & Allemande left, go forward two to an Allemande Thar,
Shoot that star, go forward 2 to another thar, Shoot this star to the partner, Box the gnat,
Wrong way Right & Left grand, Meet your partner & Slide Thru, Settle on in at home.
Heads square thru 4, Single circle to a wave, Boys trade, Girls fold, Peel the top,
Single hinge, Coordinate, Bend the line, Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Right & Left thru,
Centers Square Thru 3, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys trade, Boys run, Bend the line ,
Pass thru, Partner trade & Roll, Right & Left Grand.
4 Ladies chain, Heads square thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow your neighbor do not spread yet,
Left swing thru, now Spread, Boys trade, Boys run, Bend the line, Touch 1/4,
Coordinate and Spread, Everybody Cross run, Bend the line, Right & Left thru,
Pass the ocean, Recycle, Veer left, Couples circulate, Chain down the line, Pass thru,
Wheel & deal, Double pass thru, First 2 left, Next 2 right, Right & left thru, Touch 1/4,
Circulate, Boys run, Allemande left, Promenade home.
Heads pass the ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Boys go twice, Centers swing thru, Extend,
Boys trade, Centers trade, Girls trade, Forward & Back, Right & Left thru, Pass thru, Wheel & deal,
Centers right & left thru & veer left, Facing diagonal box of 4, Right & left thru,
Same diagonal box Flutter wheel, Center 2 ladies trade, as couples Extend, Couples circulate,
Chain down the line, Pass thru, Bend the line, Pass the ocean, Swing thru, Right & Left grand.
Heads lead right, Circle to a line of 4, Lines forward & back, Teacup chain from here,
Head girls go center for a teacup chain, Forward & Back, Touch 1/4, Circulate, Boys run,
Allemande left, & Right & left grand.
Sides turn thru, Separate arond 1 to a line, Right & left thru, Pass the ocean,
Spin chain & exchange the gears, but turn the stars a full turn, Boys trade, Boys run, Bend the line,
Right & left thru, Dixie style to a wave, Trade the wave & roll, Girls turn thru, Boys courtesy turn the girls,
Pass the ocean, Ladies trade, All 8 circulate, Recycle, Pass thru, Trade by, Box the gnat, Right & left grand.
Heads touch 1/4, same 4 Walk & dodge, Circle 4 to a line, Square thru 3, End girls cross fold in front of other girl,
Boys step ahead and take that girl by the hand, Waves of 3 swing thru, Girls on the end of wave of 3 cross fold,
Boys trade, Right & left grand, Promenade home, Bow to the partner and whoa right there.