Sides face grand square
* You said you were leaving tomorrow
That today was our last day
I said there'd be no sorrow
Allemande, weave
** A little bitty tear let me down
Spoiled my act as a clown
Swing the girl and promenade
I had it made up not make a frown
But a little bitty tear let me down
* I said I'd laugh when you left me
Pull a funny as you went out the door
That I'd have another one a waiting
** A little bitty tear let me down
Spoiled my act as a clown
I had it made up not make a frown
But a little bitty tear let me down
* Everything went like I planned it
And really put on quite a show
In my heart I felt I could stand it
** A little bitty tear let me down
Spoiled my act as a clown
I had it made up not make a frown
But a little bitty tear let me down
FIGURE Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression
Well now the heads (sides) promenade go about halfway you know
Sides (Heads) right & left thru and half sashay
Sides (Heads) left hand star turn it 3/4
Face the outside pair and veer left and then
Ferris wheel, sweep 1/4, pass the ocean
Extend, boys run right and promenade
I had it made up not make a frown
But a little bitty tear let me down
Swing her
I had it made up not make a frown
But a little bitty tear let me down