Sweet Dreams | (ESP 488) Steve Kopman |
Bow to the partner, your corners all, Sides face grand square go,
Allemande left, go forward two, make an Allemande thar,
Shoot the star, go forward 2 make a thar, Shoot this star, and a Right & Left Grand, Promenade home.
Heads Pass the ocean, Extend, Recycle, Slide thru, Right & Left thru, Ladies lead dixie style to a wave,
Boys cross run, Recycle, Right & left thru, Pass to the center, Centers slide thru, Should be home.
Sides touch 1/4, and sides walk & dodge, Touch 1/4, everyone walk & dodge, Forward & back, Bend the line,
Right & left thru, Flutter wheel, Slide thru, veer left, Ferris wheel, Double pass thru, First couple California twirl,
Touch 1/4, Walk & dodge, California twirl, Line go forward & back, Slide thru, Eight chain1,
Allemande left, Right & left grand, Promenade home.
Heads touch 1/4, All girls pass thru, Center 4 square thru 3, The other girls run right, All touch 1/4,
Centers trade, Girls U Turn Back, Forward & back, Right & left thru, Pass thru, Wheel & deal,
Zoom, Centers slide thru, Celebrate!
Sides Touch 1/4, Girls pass thru, Centers square thru 3, The outside girls run right, Dosado, Swing thru,
Boys run, Reverse flutter wheel and sweep 1/4, and a 1/4 more, and a 1/4 more, Allemande left, Right & left grand.
4 ladies chain, Heads flutter wheel and sweep 1/4, Sides 1/2 sashay, Centers square thru 3,
Dosado, Touch 1/4, Centers trade, Centers run, Bend the line, Pass thru, Boys fold, Touch 1/4,
Boys trade, Spin the top, Right & Left thru, Flutter wheel, Pass thru, Wheel & deal, Centers square thru 3,
Allemande left, Your home.
Sides lead right, Circle to a line of 4, Pass the ocean, Swing thru, Spin the top, Hinge with a right hand,
Circulate, Boys U turn back, Touch 1/4, centers trade, Centers run, Couples circulate, Bend the line,
Forward & back, touch 1/4, Boys run, Centers pass thru, Slide thru, Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom,
Centers square thru 3, Allemande left, Right & left grand, Promenade.
Bow to the partner and the corner, and whoa!