Sweet Dreams
  (ESP 488)   Steve Kopman
two columns

Bow to the partner, your corners all, Sides face grand square go,
Allemande left, go forward two, make an Allemande thar,
Shoot the star, go forward 2 make a thar, Shoot this star, and a Right & Left Grand, Promenade home.

Heads Pass the ocean, Extend, Recycle, Slide thru, Right & Left thru, Ladies lead dixie style to a wave,
Boys cross run, Recycle, Right & left thru, Pass to the center, Centers slide thru, Should be home.

Sides touch 1/4, and sides walk & dodge, Touch 1/4, everyone walk & dodge, Forward & back, Bend the line,
Right & left thru, Flutter wheel, Slide thru, veer left, Ferris wheel, Double pass thru, First couple California twirl,
Touch 1/4, Walk & dodge, California twirl, Line go forward & back, Slide thru, Eight chain1,
Allemande left, Right & left grand, Promenade home.

Heads touch 1/4, All girls pass thru, Center 4 square thru 3, The other girls run right, All touch 1/4,
Centers trade, Girls U Turn Back, Forward & back, Right & left thru, Pass thru, Wheel & deal,
Zoom, Centers slide thru, Celebrate!

Sides Touch 1/4, Girls pass thru, Centers square thru 3, The outside girls run right, Dosado, Swing thru,
Boys run, Reverse flutter wheel and sweep 1/4, and a 1/4 more, and a 1/4 more, Allemande left, Right & left grand.

4 ladies chain, Heads flutter wheel and sweep 1/4, Sides 1/2 sashay, Centers square thru 3,
Dosado, Touch 1/4, Centers trade, Centers run, Bend the line, Pass thru, Boys fold, Touch 1/4,
Boys trade, Spin the top, Right & Left thru, Flutter wheel, Pass thru, Wheel & deal, Centers square thru 3,
Allemande left, Your home.

Sides lead right, Circle to a line of 4, Pass the ocean, Swing thru, Spin the top, Hinge with a right hand,
Circulate, Boys U turn back, Touch 1/4, centers trade, Centers run, Couples circulate, Bend the line,
Forward & back, touch 1/4, Boys run, Centers pass thru, Slide thru, Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom,
Centers square thru 3, Allemande left, Right & left grand, Promenade.
Bow to the partner and the corner, and whoa!

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=21360
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=21360