Wingin' It
  (ESP 489)   Darryl Lipscomb, Kip Garvey, Bill Harrison, Jay Henderson, Mike Seastrom, Tom Miller
one column


Heads touch 1/4, Sides 1/2 sashay, Those facing Star thru, The others face right, Couples circulate,

Left 1/2 tag, Boys trade, Square thru 4, Trade By, Square thru on 3 Swing thru, Girls circulate, Boys trade,

Boys run, couples circulate, Bend the line, Centers square thru 4, Ends allemande left, All right & Left grand, Promenade short.


Heads forward and back, Box the gnat, Slide thru, Swing thru, Boys cross run, Chain down the line,

Lines forward & Back, Pass thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers square thru 3, Left touch 1/4, Split circulate,

Ladies trade, Lines pass thru, Ends trade, Centers trade, Ends face in, You're Home.


Heads square thru 4, Original couple number 2, 1/2 Sashay, Swing thru, Spin chain thru, Swing thru,

Boys run, Those facing out California twirl, Everybody face your partner, Right & Left grand, Promenade home.


Heads pass the ocean, Boys extend to girls, Everyone recycle, All veer left, All extend, Chain down the line,

Pass thru, wheel & Deal, Centers pass thru, Slide thru, Centers square thru 3,

Those facing start a Right & left thru (finish with the centers), Pass thru, Wheel & deal, Centers wheel around,

Slide thru, Right & left thru, Pass thru, Wheel & deal, Zoom, Centers left square thru 2, with a courtesy turn,

You're home.


Heads Right & left thru, Sides pass thru & Cloverleaf, Heads right & Left thru and Pass thru, Touch 1/4, Split Circulate, Single hinge,

Girls trade, Girls run, Tag the line, Centers in, Cast off 3/4, Pass thru, Boys crossfold, All Touch 1/4,

Boys trade, Spin the top, Single hinge, Single file circulate, Boys run, Right & left thru,

Veer left, Ferris wheel, Double pass thru, Cloverleaf, Double pass thru, First couple go right, Next couple go right,

All wrong way Promenade home.


Sides square thru 4, Swing Thru, Boys run right, 1/2 Tag, Split circulate 1 & 1/2, Girls swing thru,

Boys on the corners circulate 1, Girls swing thru again, Girls cast by the right 3/4,

Finish like a chain down the line, Pass thru, Wheel & deal, Centers touch 1/4, then centers walk & dodge,

Centers cloverleaf, New centers swing thru, Extend, Split circulate, Centers trade, Recycle & sweep 1/4,

Pass thru, Tag the line, Face right, Couples circulate, Centers hinge, Center girls trade, Center wave swing thru,

The 4 corners circulate 1, The wave cast right 3/4, Couples circulate, Centers trade, Girls bend the line,

As couples circulate, all Bend the line, Girls twice, Forward & Back, Slide thru, Double pass thru,

Leaders Wheel around, Slide thru, Pass thru wheel & deal, Centers pass thru, Swing thru,

Girls circulate, Boys trade, Boys run, Bend the line, Slide thru, Twice, Face partner, Right & left grand,

Promenade home, Bow to the Partner and whoa right there.

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