Nothin' To Lose
  (Throw Back Tunes 301)   Ted Lizotte
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

1/2 grand square (or Grand Square Halfway)
*It was noon time, down time, break time
Summertime, Miller Time, anytime, she was looking pretty fine
*A red light, green light, go, all fired upside downtown
She was shaking me all around

Allemande left with a your left hand, turn your partner by the right hand, man
Allemande on the corner of the hall and then do the right & left grand y'all
Oh yeah, by the way she moves
She's got me rolling in dirt in a white t-shirt

Swing a little honey, promenade and flirt and
By now she's got me pretty tied up, tied down
Any way I choose I got nothin' to lose

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads promenade halfway around
Down the middle and do the full square thru around
All the way and a right hand star and you turn
Heads star left in the middle it's halfway and then
Touch 1/4, scoot back, that corner you swing
Take a little lady and you promenade the ring
I know now she's no goody two shoes
But hey I got myself nothin' to lose

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 4

1/2 grand square (or Grand Square Halfway)
*In like Flynn, I was looking for the win
Just trying anything, hey baby, where you been?
*All my life I've been looking for someone like you
Falling head over heels, hey what can I do?

CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 4

1/2 grand square (or Grand Square Halfway)
It was noon time, down time, break time
Summertime, Miller Time, anytime, she was looking pretty fine
In like Flynn, I was looking for the win
Just trying anything, hey baby, where you been?

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