Pair Of Aces
  (ESP 490)   Tom Miller, Melton Luttrell
one column

Honor your partner, and the corner salute, Circle to left go lickety scoot, ladies in and the men sashay,
Circle to the left, Ladies in and the men sashay, Allemande left, go forward two, Swing in to an Allemande thar,
Shoot that star , to a Right & Left Grand, Promenade home.

Heads square thru 4, Swing thru, Boys trade, Boys run, 1/2 tag the line, Scoot back, Boys run right,
Pass thru, Wheel & deal, Centers Right & Left thru, Double pass thru, Cloverleaf, Centers star thru & backaway,
Others lead right & circle to a line, Touch 1/4, Column circulate, Boys run, Slide thru, Pass the ocean, All circulate,
Ladies trade, Swing thru, Girls circulate, Boys trade, Boys run, Couples circulate, Girls trade, Boys run right,
Boys trade, Boys run right, Girls trade, Boys run right, Right & left grand, Promenade home.

Sides forward & Back but watch the heads square thru 4, Dosado, circle up 4 , Break to a line, Pass thru,
Wheel & deal, Double pass thru, Centers in, Cast off 3/4, Star thru, Centers right & left thru with a full turn to the outsides,
Swing thru, Spin the top, Slide thru, Right & left thru, Pass thru, Trade by, Allemande left, Right & left grand,
Promenade home.

Sides pass the ocean, Extend, Hinge, Scoot back, Hinge, Ladies trade, Swing thru, Boys run right, Couples circulate,
Bend the line, Right & Left thru, Dixie style, Girls circulate, Boys circulate, Left swing thru, Girls run,
Couples circulate, Bend the line, Dixie style, Boys trade, Left swing thru, Girls run around the boys,
Couples circulate, Bend the line, Pass thru, Wheel & deal, Centers right & left thru with a full turn,
Slide thru, Slide thru again, Allemande left, should be home.

Walk around the corner, see saw the pretty little taw, Allemande left, go forward 2 to an Allemande thar,
Shoot this star, go forward 2 to an Allemande thar, Shoot this star, Box the gnat, Pull by,
Allemande left, weave the ring like a right & left grand, Promenade home.

Bow to the partner, Bow to the corner, Nice job.

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