Sides face grand square
I've been better, I've been worse - don't need the doctor, I need my nurse
My heart's beatin' steady right now, but in reverse
I've been better, I've been worse - I'm right on purpose and unrehearsed
I'm singing in the chorus now, but I need more verse
All four ladies promenade it's one time round you go
Get on home, swing your man and promenade that ring
I've been better, I've been worse - I've been blessed and I've been cursed
Ain't dead last and I ain't in first - nothing going my way
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Head (side) two couples square thru 4 hands round that ring you do
Find that corner lady there, you dosado
Swing thru two by two, spin the top, that's what you do
Boys move up with a right & left thru, turn your lady there
Flutter wheel across that floor then sweep 1/4 more
Swing your corner lady, boys, and promenade that floor
I've been better, I've been worse - I've been blessed and I've been cursed
Ain't dead last and I ain't in first - nothing going my way