All four ladies chain that ring
Rollaway, circle left
You rollaway, circle left now
Allemande left now weave
Well, it might come in our mailbox
Swing your girl and all promenade
You gotta take it when you can get it
And get it while you can
FIGURE Plus, corner progression
Heads (sides) pass thru and cloverleaf and go
Double pass thru, track two
Now when you're through you'll swing thru
Girls turn back and ferris wheel
Come on and square thru 3 hands now
Swing corner girl and all promenade
You gotta take it when you can get it
And get it while you can
CLOSER Basic - SSD Week 4
Sides face grand square
Take it when you can get it and get it while you can
Wrap it up in bacon, sizzle it in a pan
Allemande, weave
Well it might come in your mailbox
Or it might take a moving van
But you gotta take it when you can get it
And get it while you can