Follow That Dream Elvis Presley 1961 | (Riverboat 1202) Tom Miller |
Circle left
*When your heart gets restless, time to move along
When your heart gets weary, time to sing a song
Allemande your corner, turn your partner by the right
Men star by the left, all right
Well, turn the partner by the right hand and you go left allemande
Take the little lady, promenade
I gotta follow that dream, wherever that dream may lead
I gotta follow that dream, to find the love I need
FIGURE Mainstream - SSD Week 12, corner progression
Heads (Sides) promenade and travel halfway
Walk into the middle and square thru 4
Go all the way 'round, come on, do the right & left thru
Pass thru, trade by, touch 1/4
Scoot back and then, that corner swing
Swing the little lady, promenade
I gotta follow that dream, wherever that dream may lead
I gotta follow that dream, to find the love I need
*Gotta find me someone, whose heart is free
Someone to look for, my dream with me
CLOSER Basic - SSD Week 1
4 ladies promenade inside
Run on back, swing your handsome guy
Join hands and circle left, go movin' around, let's go
Do an allemande left and weave your ring
I gotta follow that dream, gotta follow that dream
You swing and whirl that girl and promenade
I gotta follow that dream, wherever that dream may lead
I gotta follow that dream, to find the love I need
I gotta follow that dream to find the love I need