Nothin' Could Be Finer Al Jolson; Judy Garland; Bing Crosby; Dean Martin 1922 | (Riverboat 1148) Nelda Eaton |
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Circle left
*Oh, nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning
Allemande left your corner, dosado your own
The men star left one time
Turn thru at home (Allemande left)
Come back and swing with your own
The Heads (Sides) promenade just halfway
Down the middle, touch 1/4, boys run right
Right & left thru and turn the girl
Eight chain the morning
**Oh, nothing could be finer than to
Swing your corner girl
Allemande left and weave the ring
If I had Aladdin's lamp for only a day
Meet that girl and promenade her that way
***Oh, nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning
*Oh, nothing could be sweeter than my sweetie when I meet her/him in the morning
**Oh, nothing could be sweeter than to
***Oh, nothing could be sweeter than my sweetie when I meet her/him in the morning
Allemande left your corner
Come back and swing your sweetie in the morning
Formerly JBK 113. NOTE: This singing call does NOT follow the normal 7 x 64-beat pattern. It was originally recorded with a 128-beat figure, played four times (twice for the heads, twice for the sides). If you do not wish to use the supplied figure(s), you may treat it as if it is an 8 x 64 pattern, with an extra break or closer.