Rowdy II | (ESP 491) Bill Harrison |
Bow to the partner, and the corner too, Circle to the left, Allemande left in the Alamo style and Balance,
Swing thru, Balance, Right hand hinge, Boys star left 1/2 way across, Right & Left Grand.
Heads flutter wheel & Sweep 1/4, Centers pass thru, All pass thru, Trade by, Swing thru, Boys cross run,
All 8 circulate 1 & 1/2, Do Paso, finish with a courtesy turn, You're home.
Sides lead right, Pass the ocean, Grand Swing thru, Linear cycle & Roll, Left swing thru, Follow your neighbor,
Centers run, 3/4 tag the line, Right & Left Grand, Promenade home.
Heads lead right, Slide thru, Forward & Back, Touch 1/4, Circulate 1 & 1/2, Center 6 trade & Girls roll,
Center 6 Acey Deucey, Boys around the girls Diamond circulate, Girls trade & side girls roll,
Boys U Turn back, Right & left grand Promenade home.
Sides pass the ocean, Ping pong circulate, Centers recycle, Double pass thru, Track 2, Spin chain the gears,
Spin the top, Explode & Right & left grand, Promenade short.
Heads lead right, Circle to a line, Left touch 1/4, Co ordinate, Girls peel off, Boys cast off 3/4, Ping pong circulate,
Follow your neighbor, Recycle, Pass thru, Right & left grand, meet your partner & you're home.
4 ladies chain, Circle to the left, Allemande left in Alamo style, Swing thru, Walk in to a right & left grand,
Promenade all the way around, When you meet your partner bow to the partner and whoa right there.
This is an enhanced version of ESP 418 - Rowdy, with breaks and enhancements added.
Bill Harrison calling DBD Plus.